Day 151

Hello sayangku .
I just reached home (1:54am)
I today went out with Abang Hidir . Teman dia go shopping .
He and Kakak Aisyah is over again .
Malas la nak bobal pasal ni .
His last bus da takde .
So since he sent me home , we just lepak skejap at daerah rumah I .

The whole day we just talk about his relationship and my relationship .
He said that you are lucky to have a girl like me who would wait .
He said that I'm more matured than Kakak . Memang betul pun ! Kan ?
Haha .
We first went to Bugis . Then Raffles City . Then Marina Square . Then Suntec .
So tiring seh sayang .

Oh an SAYANG !!! I'm wearing braces !
I finally am wearing braces !
Haha ! I chose pink . Next month I pakat mint green pulak la .
Sekarang it's quite painful . And I'm having headache .
Takpelah , I tahan je la .

Anyway sayang , in 3 hours is sahur !
Sayang puasa tak nari ?
Puasa tau ! Jangan tak puasa .
Make sure this year sayang full kay ?

Okaylah sayang , I nak sleep .
My head is in PAIN ! Migraine ! ):



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