Day 150 (Fifth Letter)

Sayang ! I received your letter today .
You wrote that letter on 28 June 2012 .

Let me reply to that :

Yay ! You received my photo ! I thought you didn't . Luckily you get it . Hehe (: Beautiful ? Ye ke ? Malu nyeee ! I rarely hear you say that I'm beautiful . You selalu kate : "You lawa la ." Betul tak ? And I'll be the one always saying that you are Hot . I miss you so much too sayang ! I never stop thinking about you . Sayang , I won't blame you for the last gaduh we had before you went in . We are both at fault kan ? I pressurized you kan ? I tahu ade hikmahnye . But why must I be the one who always get hurt ? I hope you will really berubah . Sayang , my heart condition is better now . Da lama I tak kene ape2 . Tidur pun da okay . I think maybe I'm much better now since I can see you twice a month . I know you are going to spend time with me till my last breath . I know your answer . I just wanted to hear you say that again . This whole year , I don't know how many times I cried for you . And I know you do too . (: I tak gemok ? Betol ke ? Lagipun I da stop jogging since school starts . Da busy sangat la sayang . I like the part where you wrote : "Sayang , for godness sake , pls trust me , my love towards you will never changed .. You are my only one sayang .. I tak pernah sekali lupakan you when I'm here .. Everyday I kept thinking of you !" There is A LOT of grammar mistake there . Haha ! But I know that you mean . As you can see from all my previous surat , you know that I never stop thinking about you too . I can confirm now that our love is very strong sayang . I sentiasa jujur kat you sayang . I told you everything in the letters . Even when I minum , when Ahn called and when a guy chatted with me . I tak simpan ape2 pun sayang . I main2kan perasaan you ? I ke you ? I got to know about Angy after 3 years tau . Cerita pun da basi baru I tahu . Hmph ! Sumpah demi allah you , I tak takde laki lain . Not even online or real life sayang . I only have you and only you sayang . Hmm , "OUR" future ? Really ? You want to have a future with me ? Are you really sure sayang ? Hehe , excited nye ! Sayang , since your mum is stress dengan ape yang sedang berlaku , of course I would want to make her happy sayang . She is like my own mother and my soon to be mother-in-law . Okay tak ? I feel so malu saying that ! Hee xD Sayang , you said : "Kalau noti-noti nanti I keluar , tahu lah I macam mana nak denda you .." Kalau gitu I nak noti-noti ah . Hehe (:

I was quite mad and disappointed in you for the past few days .
But when I saw that letter . I just forgot about it .
I know I takle marah kat you lama sangat .
Because my love for you is too much .
Even anger can't defeat that .

Aqilah just now came to the room and say ,
"I got something for you !"
Then she showed me a paper that wrote big big , "I  YOU ABANG MAN !!!"
She is so cute lah .

I'm sleeping late today .
Assignment not finish . ):
Tata sayang !



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