Day 141

Hello sayangku .
I'll be sleep quite late tonight .
And I NEED to start to puasa and pay back the days I didn't puasa .
Or else I won't be able to complete it .

I went to dental clinic today to put separators in my teeth .
It is so uncomfortable sayang .
But what to do , I need to put it on .

I have nothing much to say today .
But I have something important to say .
I am going to Cambodia Trip this October .
I wanted to ask you yesterday but I totally forget .
And your mum is asking me to go too .
I need your permission too . But I have to submit the forms by Friday .
I hope next Tuesday you won't be angry or telling me not to go .
Because I can't cancel after I give the money .
Please let me go kay ?
Doadoakan yang I selamat kat sana .

I Cintakan You .


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