Day 134

Hello sayangku .
Today I was really very shock when I woke up at 4:30PM .
Padahal I slept at 1am je tau .
But then I realised I ade sore throat . Maybe I was too weak to wake up .
Right now I might be down with fever soon .

Sayang , have you ever been so sick inside ?
Are you alright inside ?
I wonder if you miss my care for you whenever you are sick .
I miss having you on my lap and I take care of you like my own baby .

Sayang ingat tak bila mata you pedih , then you cuci tetap masih sakit .
Then you kate : U nk kene give cure kiss aru baik..sakit seh..uwek...uwek...uwek
Right now I need a kiss from you because I'm falling sick .
Hehe (:

I'm seeing you this coming Monday .
I'll be missing my first class on that day .
But nevermind . You are far more important .
Hopefully pada you it is not that early sayang .
Because it is like 9:15am . Sorry sayang kalau pagi sangat .
Takde timing lain la sayang .

Sayang , I don't really know what to say now .
The previous letter (week 19) I already said too much kan ?
Hopefully you answer some of my questions there .

Love you .


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