
Showing posts from July, 2012

Day 162 (Sixth Letter)

I received your letter today . I love reading it sayang . It's like I feel much alive reading your letter . Let me reply to that first okay sayang ? Sayang , it's alright if you were to send the letter late . Tapi kalau sayang send one of the letters to pompan lain tu baru it's not alright . Hehe (: So sayang takya kate sorry je selalu . I faham . Sayang , every single day I update to you what happen in my life . You know everything that happened . At least sayang bilang I la ape you uat for a day at least kay ? I pun nak tahu . Sayang , I'm sorry that I balik lambat sangat on the 18th of June . I tahu sayang mesti akan risau bila sayang bace . I takkan balik lambat gitu lagi kay sayang ? And if I balik lambat gitu , I akan suruh abang I amek kay sayang ? Sayang takmo risau kay ? I know I don't feel safe anymore bila you takde . Just doakan I takde pape jadi kat I kay sayang ? Whenever you say , "I sangat sayangkan you dear ." I feel like h...

Day 161

Hello sayangku ! Another week , another day without you . Hais , sensara betul rasanye . I know how you feel inside too sayang . The boring year of you life right ? It hurts so much not knowing what I'm doing right this moment right ? I cried yesterday night before I sleep . I cried so hard knowing that I can never hear your voice before I sleep for another few months . Few more months is too long sayang . It's 7 more months . It feels like 7 more years to come . My birthday is in 2 weeks sayang . What's a meaning of my birthday if I can't celebrate with the one I love ? I'm turning 19 soon sayang . Do you remember the year when you were 19 years old ? That was when we first met each other . And now 5 years has passed and it's my turn to feel how it feels like to be 19 . It's the last and final year of being a teenager . You had your fun during your teen days . You went all out and tried everything . And I meant everything bad . But I...

Day 160

Sayang , today I listened to a very sad song . The song is titled "Janjiku" by Sofaz . It makes me cry . I think that songs is literally for me . "Berulang kali ku mencuba memujuk dirimu cuba menjernihkan Pertelingkahan antara kita berdua Kau hilang dan terus membisu beginikah cara kau menghukum aku Atas kesilapanku menduakan dirimu Maafkan aku" I was angry . I never trusted you about those girls . Even how many times you tried to pujuk me , I will still think about them . You cheated on me . Not once , not twice , but a lot of times . But why did you still stay with me ? "Tak terlintas difikiranku melukai kamu permainkan cinta Yang telah kau berikan sepenuhnya padaku Tiada dua atau tiga pengganti dirimu pada kau yang satu Ku abadikan cinta selamanya Hanya padamu kekasihku" I gave all my love to you . None of my love was left for me . I did everything for you . You said I'm the only one you love , I'm the only one in your h...

Day 159

Hello sayang ! I just came back from rumah Nyai I . Right now it's 12:11 . My father da tak boleh bawak balik van dari kerja lagi . So we took the bus just now . My family is buying a car soon . And I tak sabar nak dapat license I !!! Since I failed my BTT , I terus give up . But no , I'm going to renew it and go for the BTT again ! I want to drive a car by next year . Can't wait ! Sayangku , I know you love me . I know you will be with me forever . You say all of that a lot of times . But do you actually meant what you have been saying ? And if you really do , why did you lie sayang ? I'm sorry for making you feel bad . I'm sorry for making you think too much inside . But don't worry , my heart will always belong to you no matter what happen . I am just still confuse about you . I'm just afraid after all this , you are going to leave me . Sayang , many people have said that whatever we say is a doa . When you wer...

Day 158

Sayangkuuu ! I just came back home from a night with family at McDonalds . I rasa I will gain weight ! Semalam makan Mac , today pun sama ! Suka tak kalau I gemok ? Hahaha ! BABAAAT ! Hee (: Anyway sayang , I'm just so pissed off with Kak Aisyah . Da ade kerja tetap , abey da start sombong ! Pergi ah ! I feel like I don't want to have anything to do with her anymore . She's really the most immature and irrational girl I ever met in my entire life ! Sayang , yesterday before sleeping , I was thinking about you . Sayang , why did you cheat on me ? Satu is the maid . Lagi satu you stead with Lydia for A MONTH just to get revenge on your member . The third one is the girl named Nadhirah kan ? She just cannot stop texting and keep on texting you . Tapi you layan jugak ! And the last one was QQ . But are you so sure that you did not sentuh diorang pun ? I HATE THINKING ABOUT THIS ! It hurts . I went out with Ahn after you cheated on me with Lydia . I had a ...

Day 157

Sayaaaaaang ! I just reached home from school . Now it's 10:23 ! I buka kat sekolah . Kecoh sey sayang ! We all ordered McDonalds . And all the Malays eat in a group . It was really so the kecoh ! The Malays conquer the school during buka . HAHA ! Anyway sayang , I have TWO test tomorrow . Hopefully I do it well . I know you have been praying hard for me too right ? Thanks sayang ! :D I don't really did anything much today . So let me see what I should ask you . . . I wonder how is it like inside sayang . How boring is it ? Did you get to watch TV or something ? Is there a game to play inside ? Are you alone in your cell or are there others inside too ? Sayang hari2 mandi macam mane ? Sayang tidur selalu lena tak ? Sayang boleh tidur tak every night ? Is it hard to sleep ? And if it's hard to sleep , what did you do to sleep ? I selalu pikirkan ni whenever I sleep . Sometimes I talk to myself . In a way I was talking to you lah . I may sound crazy , ...

Day 156

Hello sayangku . I just came back home from shopping . Today kan 25th . Hehe (: But I didn't spent too much . I bought jeans only . High waisted jeans . It is the jeans that I have been searching for ! Finally I found it . And it's in New Look . Hehe (: I went shopping with Abang Hidir . We went around ION Orchard and Somerset . Sayang , I feel like buying for you this one baju kemeja from ZARA . But I'm afraid it is not your size . It is really nice ! So I was thinking of buying for you when you keluar . But then again , I'm afraid that it won't be there anymore . Whatever it is , bila you da keluar , I want to buy for you many things . Anything you like okay ? I miss going shopping with you sayang . Kaki sampai nak patah pun we still walk around and shop . I want to hold hands with you while shopping again . I want to hear you say , "Lawa la . It suits you sayang ." whenever I try something on . I want to see you try on some new clot...

Day 155

SAYAAAAANG ! Before I say anything ! I want to tell you something before I forget ! I was going home from rumah cousin I tadi . I was sitting at the busstop . Then there is this one malay mat walking slowly at me and sat beside me . There are a lot of empty seats beside me but he sat beside me . HE LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE YOU SAYANG ! The badan kurus , tattoo shading almost like yours , the bermudas black colour , baju pattern2 macam you suka and he was wearing a cap . I SWEAR I THOUGHT IT WAS YOU ! He literally sat beside me tau sayang ! Ade orang tua duduk like on the same seat as me but quite a distance . Then he stood there and squeeze in the middle . That is when I look at the tattoo and I was so shock ! It was ALMOST like yours ! When he took the bus 51 , I get a good look at him , it wasn't you . But when he sat down , I can see from the corner of my eye , he was looking at me . And when the bus drove past , he was looking DIRECTLY at me . It was SO obvious ! ...

Day 154

Hello sayangku yang ku amat sayang ! Today is another week starting without you . Hmmm , what should I talk about eh sayang ? I am hungry sey sayang ! I cuba makan tapi sakit ! My nenek pulak da malas nak uat bubur untuk I . So I ate so little . Kat read on the internet and they say that the pain will go away in at least a week or so . I want to eat my dengdeng ! I semalam beli dapat makan sikit je . Kalau tak kunya tak rasa sedap sey sayang . Hopefully I dapat makan soon ! Hais . . . Sayang , this morning I was thinking about the day I get to know you jual iPod touch tu . Remember about the fight we had ? Sayang , tell me why I didn't leave you at that moment ? Tell me why I am still with you even when you didn't appreciate the things I bought for you ? And lastly tell me why you even tergamak nak jual benda tu ? I hate thinking about this . It really makes me so angry . I didn't eat because I wanted to buy that for you . Itu pun you tak pikir eh sayang ...

Day 153

Sayaaang ! Today is the 22nd ! You know what I mean kaaan ? Hehe ! It's like 4 years 11 months since the day sayang . And I never regret every minute of it . Sayang , maybe the starting of this week for me is quite rough . But what can I do kan sayang ? I would need to just forget about it and move on . It happened 3 years ago . I should just let it go . Da la , I da malas nak asyik bobal pasal pompan lain . Uat marah je uatpe kan ? Sayang , you okay tak kat dalam ? Masih exercise lagi tak ? Jangan la stop , please ? Nanti you keluar badan lawaaa ! Then you'll be my CAPTAIN AMERICA ! Hehe (: Baru je 5 months passed eh sayang ? Bila you takde , jam jalan really really slow . Bila la you dapat keluar eh sayang ? Hais . . . Tetap I sanggup tunggu . Kalau you keluar and you do it again , it really shows that you don't love me at all ! I feel like shouting , screaming . But what for ? It happened . There is no use of me nagging at you anymore . I care...

Day 152

SAYANG ! What did you have for your buka today ? Hopefully it's something nice ! Today I satu hari tidur sayang . My migraine is killing me . I cuma bangun to solat and then I go back to sleep . Then my cousin came for buka . By then my kepala da okay sikit la . But I guess right now it's a little bit aching . Hais . . . Sayang , you make sure puasa full okay ? Since you kat dalam jauh dari banyak dosa , cuba puasa full okay sayang ? Insyallah you boleh kay ? My exams is in like 3 more weeks sayang . Or maybe 4 ? Sebab my exams will be on Hari Raya week . Tak baik eh diorang . Letak exam on hari raya ! Macam mane nak celebrate macam gini ! Sayang , I macam tak confident nak pergi Cambodia macam gini . Dengan you kat Singapore , I kat sana nanti ape2 jadi I takut . You tahu lah I kan ? Kalau you takde , I don't feel safe at all . I just need you to doa2kan I yang nothing bad will happen kay sayang ? Sayang , gambar I tu you asyik stare je eh ? You tak...

Day 151

Hello sayangku . I just reached home (1:54am) I today went out with Abang Hidir . Teman dia go shopping . He and Kakak Aisyah is over again . Malas la nak bobal pasal ni . His last bus da takde . So since he sent me home , we just lepak skejap at daerah rumah I . The whole day we just talk about his relationship and my relationship . He said that you are lucky to have a girl like me who would wait . He said that I'm more matured than Kakak . Memang betul pun ! Kan ? Haha . We first went to Bugis . Then Raffles City . Then Marina Square . Then Suntec . So tiring seh sayang . Oh an SAYANG !!! I'm wearing braces ! I finally am wearing braces ! Haha ! I chose pink . Next month I pakat mint green pulak la . Sekarang it's quite painful . And I'm having headache . Takpelah , I tahan je la . Anyway sayang , in 3 hours is sahur ! Sayang puasa tak nari ? Puasa tau ! Jangan tak puasa . Make sure this year sayang full kay ? Okaylah sayang , I nak sleep . ...

Day 150 (Fifth Letter)

Sayang ! I received your letter today . You wrote that letter on 28 June 2012 . Let me reply to that : Yay ! You received my photo ! I thought you didn't . Luckily you get it . Hehe (: Beautiful ? Ye ke ? Malu nyeee ! I rarely hear you say that I'm beautiful . You selalu kate : "You lawa la ." Betul tak ? And I'll be the one always saying that you are Hot . I miss you so much too sayang ! I never stop thinking about you . Sayang , I won't blame you for the last gaduh we had before you went in . We are both at fault kan ? I pressurized you kan ? I tahu ade hikmahnye . But why must I be the one who always get hurt ? I hope you will really berubah . Sayang , my heart condition is better now . Da lama I tak kene ape2 . Tidur pun da okay . I think maybe I'm much better now since I can see you twice a month . I know you are going to spend time with me till my last breath . I know your answer . I just wanted to hear you say that again . This whole yea...

Day 149

Sayang , I have the weirdest dream . I was walking around your area to just think about you . Then when I look up to your house , you were at the corridor looking at me . You called me and say: "Jumpa I kat bilik I now ." So I went up to your house . But when I went in , your house turned to be my house . I saw you waiting for me in my brother nye bilik . I told you to wait for me . I went to change and ask my brother why were you in his room . My dad overheard it and go to my brother's room and saw you . He didn't say anything and just went out . I went in the room and lock the door . We made love . Then I ask you how come you are out from prison . Then you said : "I feel so bad about Angy . I tahu you mesti pikiran pasal dia . So I'm here to prove cinta I terhadap you . I cuma sayangkan you . Only you ." Then you disappear . I was shouting your name . Then I woke up . I am still disappointed in you . But memang tak guna lagi I ...

Day 148

I just came back home from school sayang . Kan I bilang you tadi yang I end school at 8 . Penat to the max . Okay , let me ingat balik what we talked about . You wished me our anniversary ! You remembered . That was what I expected , and you did ! I'm really sorry about drinking . I am truly sorry . I won't do that again okay sayang ? I will not do that ever again . I am so sorry . I like the part where you were talking about your routine in prison . But then when I asked you what will your routine be when you are out , you said : "Routine semua sama tapi breakfast I lain sikit la ." I can never get that thing off my mind . It was stuck in my head for the whole day while I was in school . I asyik senyum sendiri je tau ! About Ahn , don't worry okay ? I didn't continue talking to him . He didn't even call me after that day . So sayang no need to worry about me being with another guy . Thanks sayang for letting me go Cambodia . I nee...

Day 147

HAPPY 5 YEARS 2 MONTHS SAYANG ! Hee (: Terperanjat tak ? Today marked our 62 months of being together ! Happy tau I nari bila I bangun . Today is 16 ! I pergi sekolah with a smile on my face . But something is missing . It is YOU . That's the only part that brought me down just now . Dah 4 months I celebrated without you . It wasn't really a celebration actually . I told my friends about it and they were like , "Takpe , today kite celebrate dengan kau kay ?" They are so sweet . Haha . I have a lot of new friends that I have not introduce to you yet . Hopefully one day you are able to meet them . I AM SEEING YOU TOMORROW SAYANG ! TAK SABAAAAAR ! I have to wake up early in the morning to siap2 since I chose the first batch . Sorry eh sayang kalau I disturb your sleep . Hopefully you are happy to see me too sayang . Sadly , we can only talk about in 30 minutes . Nanti bila you keluar , you nak kene get ready with earplugs . Sebab I will never s...

Day 146

This week is over again ! It's 12:12 right now . Tomorrow starts at 11am so takpelah . Today my family and I went geylang to find for baju again . But then abang I nye allergies came . And we are off to CGH . That ruin the whole day . But of course we can't blame him . And sayang guess WHAT ?!!! Tadi I nak belikan my abang makan kat Qiji . The cashier was flirting with me . Don't think anything eh , I AM SO NOT INTERESTED . I am only interested in my one and only darling . YOU ! :D Sayang , I can't wait for our 6 years anniversary . I tahu lah our 5 years baru lepas . But on that 6th anniversary , I am planning to go MBS with you . You tahu tak , satu kawan I ni baru 9 months dengan matair dia , diorang da pergi MBS . Merepek ah diorang . At least kite da 5 years takpe kan ? Haha . Sayang tahu tak , sekarang da trend couple asyik break up after 1 year . Banyak kawan I macam tu . Insyallah kite akan kekal selamenye kay sayang ? I'm visiting y...

Day 145

Hello sayangku ! I just came back from sending my auntie home with my brother . Today we celebrated my cousins birthday . Same as all birthdays actually . So tak payah nak ceritakan eh ? Tomorrow my family might be going Marina Bay Sands for fun . Just planning . I'm not sure whether is it confirm or not . I'm seeing you in 3 days sayang ! I'll might be late for class . But it's alright . Again , you are my first priority . Sayang , will I get to see my new Hilman when you are out ? Or will I still see the same Hilman ? I just want the same you but without the bad side of you . I taknak you to be in again just because of something stupid you did . You can throw that side of you away . You CAN . And I will always help you . Sayang , I'm afraid . I'm afraid that your love for me will fade . Why am I thinking about this all the time ? I'm really afraid that once you are out , you will leave me . I know you wrote in all the letters that yo...

Day 144

It's FRIDAY ! Finally school ends . I am so stress with school lately . Too much things to do in so little timeee ! I need some rest day . And finally it is here . I just reached home from studying with Hakim and Amirul . Amirul kawan lama I . So right now the only thing to do is think about you . I'm going to study all the way tomorrow since there won't be any family outing . Hais , if you are here , tomorrow I would be going to your house and study together . That is my usual Saturdays . But since you are not here , I'm stuck at home studying . Sayang , puasa is next week . Sayang puasa full tak nanti ? Sayang kalau kat dalam sakit , jangan pakse diri puasa tau . I taknak ape2 jadi kat you sayang . I sounded like you . You will always say that whenever I'm sick . Sayang , Aqilah keeps on drawing you , me and her everywhere . Nanti you keluar I tunjuk you semua drawing2 dia . Sayang , I don't know but do you think she really misses you ? ...

Day 143

Hello sayangku . I'm doing my assignment again right now . Baru first week of school reopen and there are a lot of things I have to do . Rabak kan ? Ni la hidup Year 2 in Poly sayang . But if you are here , my life will be much better even if I have to go through school like that . Sayang , I've been too busy in my life that I have nothing much to say . I feel so bad . It is not that I fall out of love . Don't ever think that ! I am really busy sayang . I've been concentrating in class like you told me to . I've been doing my work seriously this time . I am going to pass all my subjects okay sayang ? Insyallah . My FINAL exams will be in one more month sayang . It will be few days before Hari Raya . Doa2kan I yang I dapat uat kay sayang ? I just need you luck . Sayang , in like one more year , just one more year , I'll be working in the hospital . As a real nurse . Tercapai jugak impian I eh sayang ? But I'll be really very busy sayang ....

Day 142

Hello sayangku . I'm now stress free . Just for now . Because the presentation that I am scared about for the whole week is now over ! Finally it is over . But I have some other things that I need to present . Luckily they are not as confusing as the one I did today . Sayang , I'm still wondering about the last visit I had with you . You were angry about something right sayang ? Everyday I keep on thinking about that day . And every time I think about that , I just feel so uneasy . Something is just not right and maybe there is something really going through your mind . I hope you will tell me during my next visit . Sayang , are we growing apart right now ? I'm afraid that you will leave me one day sayang . I'm thinking rubbish again . I hate whenever I think like this . I should just shut up right now . I think I want to sleep . Goodnight sayang . I Cintakan You .

Day 141

Hello sayangku . I'll be sleep quite late tonight . And I NEED to start to puasa and pay back the days I didn't puasa . Or else I won't be able to complete it . I went to dental clinic today to put separators in my teeth . It is so uncomfortable sayang . But what to do , I need to put it on . I have nothing much to say today . But I have something important to say . I am going to Cambodia Trip this October . I wanted to ask you yesterday but I totally forget . And your mum is asking me to go too . I need your permission too . But I have to submit the forms by Friday . I hope next Tuesday you won't be angry or telling me not to go . Because I can't cancel after I give the money . Please let me go kay ? Doadoakan yang I selamat kat sana . I Cintakan You .

Day 140

I am finally done with my assignment . It's 12:48 right now sayang . I'm going to write to you first and then go straight to sleep . I visited you today sayang ! I was thrilled to see you . But honestly sayang , from the look of your face , you are not really happy to see me . You looked like there is something you wanted to say to me but couldn't . Is it because your mum was there ? What happened sayang ? Did I do something wrong ? Did you realised that you did not say "I Love You ?" to me ? I thought visiting you in the morning before I start school would brighten my day . But I don't know why , I wasn't much cheery after that . I was wondering why . I keep on asking myself why . You know my love for you is still strong . And stronger than ever . Looking at you like that , do you know how I felt ? But maybe something is bothering you . I'll ask you the next time I visit you alright ? Hopefully you will tell me what is going on . ...

Day 139

I am seeing you tomorrow !!! Yay ! Sayang nak tahu tak , besok I will be really very very busy . I will have to wake up early to siap2 and see you . Than after that I have school since my holiday ends today . Then after school I am going to discuss with my groups about the project . Than after that I will be having briefing about the Cambodia trip . I think by the time I reach home , it will be at most 9PM . Wow , I think I'll be much better being busy though . Rather than staying at home and shed a tear thinking about you all the time right ? With me being busy , I'll know that time will fly fast . And before I know it , you will be out and I'll be able to feel you once again . Sayang , tell me , does my letters say too much ? Is it too dramatic ? OR is it just as fine ? You kan tahu I . Kalau messaging and all that , I would say like this right ? Sayang , I was talking with my brother about you just now . I was asking him whether you should retake N leve...

Day 138

Sayang guess what time it is right now ? It's 4:06AM ! And I am still up . I need to wake up at 8 tomorrow to siap2kan Aqilah for tuition . But I am still here on the computer watching a TV series . Hehe (: Sayang , yesterday I was up late doing my assignment . And the silence is killing me . I still remember that I used to wake you up in the middle of the night to accompany me . And you will be snoring on the phone fast asleep . And I would be shouting at you . Haha ! I miss those days sayang . Yesterday I really can't concentrate on my work with all the silence around me . I look at the phone and I know that I can't call anyone at that time . I miss hearing your sleepy voice telling me to go to sleep . Don't you miss my voice too sayang ? Every night before I go to sleep , I'll look at all our pictures and remembering back what was happening when I took that picture . Some make me laugh and some bring me to tears . Sayang , do you know that w...

Day 137

Hey sayang . I hate my dream today . I dream about Apiz . Trust me , I HATE having that dream . Semalam dream da la best best . Sebok ah die . Anyway sayang , I received a letter from prison today . And I don't like that letter at all . It said that you are unsuitable for that programme . You are not able to get out by August . And I have to wait another 7 more months to hold you again . Sayang , why are you not suitable ? Didn't you behave inside ? Receiving that letter change my entire mood of today . I was extra sad . I stayed in my room for a long time . I feel like tearing up the letter . But I have to show that letter to your mum . Sayang , why do our lives become like this ? Whatever happen to you , happen to me too sayang . I know I kat luar is different . But no sayang . You don't know how much I love you . I will never get tired of saying that sayang . I love you . I love you . I love you . I . L . O . V . E . Y . O . U .

Day 136

Sayaaaaaaaaaang ! I am in good mood as soon as I woke up this morning ! Haha ! I dreamt about youuu ! YES YOUUU ! Hee (: And it was an Unbelievable yet Enjoyable dream . JOOOMMM ! xD I suka , I SUKAAA sangat . I'll tell you the dream one day kay ? Even when I terbangun and tidur balik , the dream continues . Best nyeee . Hehe (: Okay okay , dah cukup . You dengan I sekarang have the same dream . Nothing much happen today sayang . I stayed home . I think I'll be staying home till school starts . I kat rumah tengok TV, main The Sims and tengok movies kat laptop je . Seriously , since you were gone , you take my life with you . I swear I have no life right now . I do go out with my friends and all , but overall it's incomplete . It will NEVER be complete without you here . I'll be seeing you in 4 more days sayang . Might be skipping one lesson . Takmo marah kay ? Because you are my 1st priority . I know I should be concentrating on my work . But I ...

Day 135

Hey sayangku . I'm still so weak and sick . I don't know what I can do to make myself feel better right now . But there is one thing . And that one thing is obviously impossible . That thing is having you right here beside me . Having my period right now makes it worse sayang . I am extra weak . Today is Nisfu Sya'ban . I can't follow my family to masjid since I'm really too weak . But what about inside sayang ? Do you baca surah Yaseen kat dalam ? Sayang , I forgot to tell you this . But I chat with this one guy kat Facebook last 2 days . I tak kenal dia and dia tak kenal I abey dia nak step 10 tahun kenal I . He wanted to chat with me on the phone . I said no . Here, I show you the whole conversation kay ? I just want you to trust me . Fiq Kotai Heyy Afiqahbabes Salvatore Hello ? Fiq Kotai nt asleep yet ae? Afiqahbabes Salvatore No . Not yet . Maybe soon . You ? Fiq Kotai Hmm yeah sumwhr arnd thr too hehe. Watcha up to? Afiqahbabes Salv...

Day 134

Hello sayangku . Today I was really very shock when I woke up at 4:30PM . Padahal I slept at 1am je tau . But then I realised I ade sore throat . Maybe I was too weak to wake up . Right now I might be down with fever soon . Sayang , have you ever been so sick inside ? Are you alright inside ? I wonder if you miss my care for you whenever you are sick . I miss having you on my lap and I take care of you like my own baby . Sayang ingat tak bila mata you pedih , then you cuci tetap masih sakit . Then you kate : U nk kene give cure kiss aru baik..sakit seh..uwek...uwek...uwek Right now I need a kiss from you because I'm falling sick . Hehe (: I'm seeing you this coming Monday . I'll be missing my first class on that day . But nevermind . You are far more important . Hopefully pada you it is not that early sayang . Because it is like 9:15am . Sorry sayang kalau pagi sangat . Takde timing lain la sayang . Sayang , I don't really know what to say now . ...

Day 133

Hello sayangkuuu ! The starting of 20th week without you . ): First thing first ! 3 OF MY TEETH ARE GONE ! Haha ! I go for extraction tadi sayang . I have to extract 3 teeth before I wear braces . I rase on the 9th bila I visit you , you will see my bogeyyy ! I can't eat much sayang . I can only eat soft diet . For example : bubur , mashed potato and all . Confirm I mesti kurus . Lagi2 da nak puasa . Sayang , you kat dalam mesti puasa full kan ? I harap2 you dapat keluar before raya . Insyallah . Sayang I just came back from watching movie with Zaim . We watched The Amazing Spiderman . The Spiderman is SO CUTE ! Hehe . Okay okay I shut up . Sayang , I can't see couple outside . It will make me think so much about you . It'll hurt me too . Whenever I spotted them , I'll just look down and think of you . When will I feel my boyfriend in my arms again ? When will I feel that tender kiss of yours on my lips again ? I'm craving so much for you sa...

Day 132

Sayang , every single time I want to write a letter for you , there will be this strange feeling and I would feel like crying . Today is the end of 19 weeks without you . It's 132 days without you already . Today I went out with family sayang . Biasalah , it's Sunday sayang . We went to eat at Swensens and beli groceries . Then at Denizen and offer . Hehe . My mum blanja I one jeans . Lawa lak tuuu . And I got a new Jay Gee card . Sayang ingat how we say "Jay Gee" tak ? Hehe . Rindu la sayang je gila2 tu semua . Sayang , lately I've been thinking about kahwin . I don't really know why . Maybe because I've been reading your messages talking about marriage . Sayang , did you remember 25th March 2009 ? The day you said you want to marry me . You said this on the phone : If you tak percaye tuh you nye pasal la . But in my MARRIAGE LIST , you are the FIRST ! Ingat tak you kate tu semua ? You even asked me whether I would marry you or not ....

Day 131

Hello sayang . Nothing much I did today . I woke up at 8am and started reading "Perfect Chemistry" . I finished the book in 6 hours ! I can't put down the book . The book is almost similar to our lovestory sayang . I will try to find that book and buy it so that you can read it inside . I cried most of the times in the book . Because some of the scenes remind me of us . I think I told you before about this book right ? "Two different worlds, one true love." It is a MUST read for us . Well , other then that , here goes . Sayang , I think I need to say some things that I need to tell you . But before that let me tell you why . I can't sleep yesterday . I read through those days where we fought in our blog . And I realise many things that are the same . Remember at the end of 2009 where you decide to change ? And after that you really change for me . You sacrificed a lot for me . But I was blind . I was ego . I didn't care about a lot o...