Day 176

Sayaaang ! Hehe (:
I am so sleepy right now and it's only 11:05pm !
I didn't have enough sleep these past few days la sayang .
Belajar je , mana sempat nak tidur .

Anyway , tadi I went to see your mum kat rumah you .
I buka with your mum . I LOVE your mum's cooking !
Then your dad balik . Your dad pakai kasut VANS you yang you baru beli !
Haha ! Da hancur bederai pun kasut tu .
Nanti you keluar , I buy for you a new one kay ?
Kesian kasut you tu bila I tengok . Haha !
Tadi I watched TV with your parents .
Your dad nye ketawe takle angkat !
Kadang I ketawe bukan pasal cerita tu kelakar , it's because of your dad's laugh .
Haha ! xD

Hmm , I'm going out with your mum in the morning tomorrow .
At around 9am . It's about your duit GST I think .
She wants me to follow . Ikut je la .

Just now your mum talks about you and Hatim .
She feels sad that you two are not able to celebrate HariRaya with us this year .
Your dad pulak takde mood untuk Raya because you guys are inside .
Sayang , I sedih tengok your mum macam gitu .
But she's still standing strong .
Sayang please jangan uat lagi . For the sake of your mum .



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