Day 182

Hi sayaaang . I penaaatlah sangat .
I just came back from 2nd day Raya outing with my family and cousins .
Collection lagiii . Hehe (:

Hais . . . Tadi I tengok cerita Azura .
It's not the old one , it's the new one .
And it is really sad . But I try my best not to cry .
I was at my cousin's house sey !
It reminds me of you and I . Okay , moving on . . .

I am meeting you tomorrow !
Excited tak sayang ? Hehe (:
Should I wear baju kurung to prison ? Haha !
Nanti lawa sangat you marah pulak . Hehe (:

I nak step merajok ah dengan you besok .
I tak suka latest surat you . Hmph !

Kay lah , da malam , I need to studyyy !
Tata sayang !



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