Day 187

Sayaaaaang ! I just came back from Raya outing .
It's still early right now .
SAYANG ! I lupa nak bilang youuu something semalam !
I cut my hair . But not short at all la . I layered it and trim it a bit .
Ringan sikit rambut I ni sekarang .

Sayang , today is 25 !!! Duit I masok ! Weeeeee !
Tapi nak shopping ape eh ? Kalau sayang ade , nari jugak habis !

Sayang , I really hope sayang tak marah pasal semalam .
Please trust me kay sayang ?
I need your full trust . I tidak akan replace you .
I . WILL . NOT .

Hais , besok my friend nye rumah ade open house .
Then next week pun same .
Penat pulak nanti jalan2 dengan heels I ni .

Sayang , since you bilang I takmo bobal merepek tentang what I feel and all ,
I macam have nothing much to talk about .
Okay lah , I nak main game .
Goodnight sayang !



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