Day 192
Hey sayang ! I'm tired from attachment .
And my teacher is really really annoying !
I was doing wound dressing for a patient .
Dia really have a bad attitude . She keeps on thinking she is right everytime .
EVERYTIME ! I swear , I hate her .
The way she stares at students is really irritating .
Naseb I suka dapat cikgu macam gitu .
I nye sarcasm confirm dia senyap . Hehe (:
Anyway , since I da lama tak jumpa abang Hidir , dia ajak I keluar .
I meet him and kawan Aisyah nama dia Shafiq .
So it's the three of us , me , abang Hidir and Shafiq .
If you can see , 3 of us is VERY close to Aisyah .
Since nama die da busuk , none of us even layan die lagi .
I don't ever wanna call her kakak lagi !
We ate Sushi at Dhoby Ghaut .
Then we talk about Aisyah and just lepak je .
Anyway , I bought a new bag from Charles and Keith .
Can't wait to use it ! Hehe (:
Oh , I got 20 bucks duit raya from abang Hidir !
Haha !
And my teacher is really really annoying !
I was doing wound dressing for a patient .
Dia really have a bad attitude . She keeps on thinking she is right everytime .
EVERYTIME ! I swear , I hate her .
The way she stares at students is really irritating .
Naseb I suka dapat cikgu macam gitu .
I nye sarcasm confirm dia senyap . Hehe (:
Anyway , since I da lama tak jumpa abang Hidir , dia ajak I keluar .
I meet him and kawan Aisyah nama dia Shafiq .
So it's the three of us , me , abang Hidir and Shafiq .
If you can see , 3 of us is VERY close to Aisyah .
Since nama die da busuk , none of us even layan die lagi .
I don't ever wanna call her kakak lagi !
We ate Sushi at Dhoby Ghaut .
Then we talk about Aisyah and just lepak je .
Anyway , I bought a new bag from Charles and Keith .
Can't wait to use it ! Hehe (:
Oh , I got 20 bucks duit raya from abang Hidir !
Haha !