Day 57

Sayang , I've been thinking lately .
Are we meant to be together sayang ?
Are we meant to be husband and wife ?
I've learnt that when we need to stop something ,
we have to stop it slowly so that it won't emotionally affect us .
Remember our fights we keep on having since October 2011 ?
We are growing apart .
We are not so close since the day I found out about your lies .
Maybe Allah memang nak kite gaduh .
Maybe Allah memang nak kite berpisah .
So that when Allah akhirnya hukum you dengan masukkan you dalam jail ,
I takkan sedih and sakit hati .
Allah has obviously planned this .
Kite hanye boleh merancang . Dan Allah yang tentukan .
Mungkin Allah da tentukan masa depan kite .
And maybe this is to show us that we should not be together .
Have you thought about this sayang ?

When you masuk dalam , I got to know about QQ and Angy .
Allah yang bawak I untuk dapat tahu pasal tu semua .
Kenape sayang ?
Kenape tiba2 I dapat tahu tentang banyak benda yang you uat belakang I selame ni ?

Sayang ingat tak sayang nye janji2 terhadap I ?
Sayang janji takkan uat tu la , uat ni la .
Tapi tetap you uat .
You know why ? It's because you don't love me .
Cinta you terhadap I memang da lama kurang sayang .
Sebab Allah yang berubahkan hati you sayang .
You said you love me but you main belakang I dengan pompan lain .
You said you love me but you banyak tipu belakang I even infront of my face .
You said you love me but you break all your promises .
Except one promise that you never break .
And that promise is you promise that you will never leave me .

I want you to read this and remember this always .

  1. I will always ALWAYS be with you if you need me .
  2. I will forever be by your side through thick and thin .
  3. I will promise that I will love you until my heart stop breathing .
  4. Even if you stop loving me , my love will always belongs to you .
  5. Even if you fall for another , I'll be happy and try to move on even if it hurts .
  6. I akan sentiasa dengan you sampai you tak perlu I lagi .
  7. I want to take care of you until you betul2 sembuh and jauhkan diri dari perbuatan jahat .
Still waiting for your letter .
Not even one letter I got from you .


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