
Showing posts from August, 2012

Day 193

I am so weak right now sayang . I just woke up . My family just came back home from my uncle's house . I was too weak to even to there . I'm having a slight fever right now . AND GUESS WHAT ?! I angkat bola cikgu I today ! HAHAHAHA ! I pretend to be a goody two shoes with her . I seriously succeeded ! xD I got my 5 skills signed by her . YAY ! Sayang , I've been talking a lot about my life . Sayang , what about yours ? How are you sayang ? Are you sick ? How is your everyday life ? Are you still thinking about me everyday ? Are you still angry about what I've been doing ? I'm going to have an open house tomorrow . Not many of my friends are able to come . Hopefully at least someone will come . I just wish you were here . Because you never come to my house for raya before . ): I MISS YOU .

Day 192

Hey sayang ! I'm tired from attachment . And my teacher is really really annoying ! I was doing wound dressing for a patient . Dia really have a bad attitude . She keeps on thinking she is right everytime . EVERYTIME ! I swear , I hate her . The way she stares at students is really irritating . Naseb I suka dapat cikgu macam gitu . I nye sarcasm confirm dia senyap . Hehe (: Anyway , since I da lama tak jumpa abang Hidir , dia ajak I keluar . I meet him and kawan Aisyah nama dia Shafiq . So it's the three of us , me , abang Hidir and Shafiq . If you can see , 3 of us is VERY close to Aisyah . Since nama die da busuk , none of us even layan die lagi . I don't ever wanna call her kakak lagi ! We ate Sushi at Dhoby Ghaut . Then we talk about Aisyah and just lepak je . Anyway , I bought a new bag from Charles and Keith . Can't wait to use it ! Hehe (: Oh , I got 20 bucks duit raya from abang Hidir ! Haha ! I MISS YOU SO MUCH !

Day 191

Attachment again . I end at 9pm ! Then I went to meet Shan and Naqiyah at Bishan . Just hang around for few hours then my dad fetch me home . Sayang nak tahu tak , my clinical teacher is seriously irritating . She's like trying to fail us greatly . Benci sangat dengan dia . She's like picking on me too much . I don't know what did I do wrong at all . I wish you were here so that you can take my frustration away . You were always there for me sayang . Everytime I look at the Police Cantonment building , I think of you . And I just wish that you were there to teman me balik rumah . I miss you more than I ever did sayang . I CINTAKAN YOU .

Day 190

Sayaaang ! Finally today I love my attachment . HAHA ! Baru second day sey . I will never know how it will be sooner or later . Sayang , today I dreamed about you . My dream hurts so bad . We were having so much fun and then suddenly you decided to leave me . I cried . I salam your mum and decided to go straight home . You nak hantar I but I tolak you away . Few days later was my exam . While I was having exam I told you to walk pass my exam hall . I saw you walking pass so I chased after you . Then you said you weren't waiting for me at all ! You terus tinggalkan I kat sana . I was crying so so badly . I look through your facebook face and you that time da kaya . And you terus lupakan I . You lupakan I macam gitu aje . When I woke up , I felt tears in my eyes . I was literally crying while dreaming about that ! It feels so real sayang . Will it ever come true ? So today I started talking with the ITE students . They are so gerek ! I don't know how would I...

Day 189 (Eighth Letter)

Sayaaang ! I received your 8th letter TODAY ! I had a huge hunch that your letter is in my mailbox . AND THERE IT WAS ! Hehe (: I read that letter on my way to attachment and it made me laugh in the train . Orang tengok I macam I orang gila pulak . So now , let me reply to that letter first . Sayang , right now I'm quite sick not that sihat . My attachment is going just fine . I just hope tomorrow I tak pengsan sudah . Thank you sayang for the birthday wish ! YOU KATE I MAKIN TUA ?! You tu LAAAGI tua dari I  Hmph ! Naseb you kate I cute , kalau tak . . . . . . (: Sayang , I da maafkan you sayang . Really . Even if I can't forget but I do forgive you sayang . Sayang . . . I'm sorry to tell you , but kuih tart chocolate da habis . Diorang semua serbu tu benda je ! Sayang , PROMISE me that next year you WILL celebrate the first day of raya with me ! Promise me . Sayang , I sangat cintakan you jugak sayang . I need you every single day . I don't feel safe w...

Day 188

Hello SAYANGKUUU ! I baru balik dari jalam raya . As usual , penat sey sayang . Right now I have sore throat and selesema . Tomorrow is my first day of attachment and I'm scared I'm too weak ! I feel like I'll be down with fever soon . Hais . . . Where are you when I needed you here with me ? Sayang , yesterday I da penat and ngantok . But I just couldn't sleep at all ! Are you alright ? Did anything happened to you sayang ? Sayang , did you remember the photo you took at the CD toilet ? The one you took from the mirror . That is the first photo I saw of you . I termenung je kat photo tu semalam and it bring me to tears . A guy that never trust girls end up to be falling in love with me . How did that happened sayang ? I keep on thinking , "Am I the one for you ?" Honestly sayang , even how many times you hurt me , I am still lucky to have you . Sayang , sorry kalau this letter is quite short everyday . I've been busy studying and kelu...

Day 187

Sayaaaaang ! I just came back from Raya outing . It's still early right now . SAYANG ! I lupa nak bilang youuu something semalam ! I cut my hair . But not short at all la . I layered it and trim it a bit . Ringan sikit rambut I ni sekarang . Sayang , today is 25 !!! Duit I masok ! Weeeeee ! Tapi nak shopping ape eh ? Kalau sayang ade , nari jugak habis ! Sayang , I really hope sayang tak marah pasal semalam . Please trust me kay sayang ? I need your full trust . I tidak akan replace you . I . WILL . NOT . Hais , besok my friend nye rumah ade open house . Then next week pun same . Penat pulak nanti jalan2 dengan heels I ni . Sayang , since you bilang I takmo bobal merepek tentang what I feel and all , I macam have nothing much to talk about . Okay lah , I nak main game . Goodnight sayang ! I CINTAKAN YOU .

Day 186

I just reached home . I don't want to tell you what time it is . Because I know you are going to go mad . MY EXAMS ARE OVERRR ! Like FINALLY ! After school today , my class had a after exam party . Makan pizza je . Haha ! Then after that I went straight home . At 5 Zaim called me and asked me whether I wanted to follow for End Exam Celebration . I ikot la . So the ones that went were me , Zaim , Zul and Adli . We all went out to Shisha . Haha ! Semua gila2 kat luar . Nothing really that extraordinary with them anyway . Bebual merepek je all the way . So right now I'm home . Da almost 26 hours I belum tidur since malam semalam . And I NEED SOME SLEEP ! Attachment I starts this coming Monday . And finally I am posted to SGH !!! Hopefully I can get use to the environment . Sayang , lepas attachment I ni , I terus pergi Cambodia the week after . Sayang , sayang please takmo worry please . Sayang doakan I biar I selamat kat sane kay sayang ? Just for 2 week...

Day 185

Hello sayang ! Right now it is 2:33am . BESOK LAST PAPERRR ! AHHHHH ! Haha ! But seriously , this paper kalau I tak pass , I repeat sey ! AND I AM NOT GOING TO REPEAT ! I'm studying right now . Sayang , Raya tahun ni macam tak rasa ape2 . Firstly is because you are in prison . Second is I am having exams ! Third is because Raya didn't fall on a month of holiday . Sayang , do you think I can survive another 6 months without you ? Sayang nak tahu something tak ? Today , 23rd August 2012 is exactly half of the time you are going to stay in prison . I have to wait for another 185 more days . HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-FIVE ! Fuyoooh ! Haha ! Lama seyyy . Gini eh rasanye jadi single ? Single but takle mingle . Kan ? Hehe :P I've been with you everyday for 24 hours . And when it suddenly stopped , my world really feels so quiet . You know how it feels like right ? Your world is much much more quiet kan ? Sayang , jangan sekali pun sayang pikir I akan replace you . ...

Day 184

Hello sayangkuuu . Today reached 5 years of our happiest day sayang . I can never stop thinking about that day . I love you sayang . I never regret doing everything with you . Sayang , yesterday I went out at 12am . Please jangan marah . I pergi belajar dengan Zaim and Zul kat Mcdonalds . And I really did study sayang . I takut sangat kalau I fail . So I studied with them till 6am . Lepas tu I balik and straight gi school to take my exam . But alhamdulillah I get to finish the paper . Sayang , takmo marah kay ? I akan selalu setia menunggu sayang . Right now I'm not yet sleepy at all . Feels like studying later . Sayang , I never thought that one day you will be leaving me alone like this . But you leaving me like this on my own proves that I can be stronger than I before . Just for tonight , I will let the memories flows in my mind . The memories of our first love that bloom . I CINTAKAN YOU .

Day 183

Sayaaaaaang ! Hehe ! HELLOOO ! This morning your mum became my alarm clock . But then I tertidur balik and I woke up at 11:30 ! I was LATE ! I terus suruh my brother send both of us to visit you . When I reached PLC , it was really crowded ! Ramai orang pakai baju Raya sey sayang ! And I regret of not wearing it ! ): I nak step muka marajok kat you pun tak jadi starting2 . Bila I nampak you je I nye muka terus senyum . I rindu you sangaaat ! Ape yang uat muka I ni berseri sey sayang ? Biasa je ? I tadi da lah tak pakai make-up terus ! You rindu I sangat jugak ke sayang ? Haha ! You were too cute when you said that you were jealous . Sayang , I'm sorry for making you jealous . I didn't know that you are . Why didn't you tell me in the first place ? But you trust me right ? You know that I love you more than anything else in the world right ? You should know that . Sayang , when you said that tomorrow is our hari bahagia and hari keistemewaan , I was touche...

Day 182

Hi sayaaang . I penaaatlah sangat . I just came back from 2nd day Raya outing with my family and cousins . Collection lagiii . Hehe (: Hais . . . Tadi I tengok cerita Azura . It's not the old one , it's the new one . And it is really sad . But I try my best not to cry . I was at my cousin's house sey ! It reminds me of you and I . Okay , moving on . . . I am meeting you tomorrow ! Excited tak sayang ? Hehe (: Should I wear baju kurung to prison ? Haha ! Nanti lawa sangat you marah pulak . Hehe (: I nak step merajok ah dengan you besok . I tak suka latest surat you . Hmph ! Kay lah , da malam , I need to studyyy ! Tata sayang ! I CINTAKAN YOU .

Day 181

SELAMAT HARI RAYA SAYANG ! MAAF ZAHIR DAN BATIN ! Finally Raya is here sayang . Penat I kemas rumah . Semalam I ton dengan nenek I sampai pukul 5 . Penat nari I keluar jalan dengan family . I masih dapat collection ! Hehe (: Masih sekolah pe even though I dapat bonding money . Nanti nak kira collection . Sayang , sayang raya kat dalam macam mane ? Okay tak sayang ? Do they celebrate or something ? Hais . . . kesian sayang . ): Anyway , I'm seeing you in 2 more days ! I nak step merajok ah dengan you sebab the latest letter you bagi I . Hmph ! Okay lah , I nak go sleep . Tomorrow keluar raya pagi2 . LOVE YOUUU !

Day 180

Hello sayaaang ! Right now is malam Raya and my house finally da settle down . Tadi sebok gila sey sayang . OMG , Sayang nak tahu something tak ?!!! GROSS TAU SAYANG ! Tadi I nga on the way nak gi busstop dengan my adek . Then this apek naik bicycle ride pass us . AND OMG , he said this , "Mmm , sedapnyeee ." He was looking at my body up and down while saying that . I terus pusing and said , "Kau sakit otak pe apek ?" GELIII !!! EWWW ! Kalau sayang ade , I tak tahu ape jadi . It was seriously gross to the core . Sayang , I sedih Raya tahun ni you takde . I pikirkan you je dari tadi . Harap2 sayang kat dalam okay . Sayang , I minta maaf atas semua kesalahan I terhadap you . I banyak uat you sakit hati . I banyak uat you marah . Tapi tetap you sabar and setia dengan I . I bersyukur dapat lelaki macam you . Sayang , halalkan makan minum yang you telah bagi I selama ni . Selamat Hari Raya sayang , maaf zahir dan batin . I CINTAKAN YOU .

Day 179

Hello sayang . Right now it is 3:50am . I baru lepas anyam ketupat . I buat dari pukul 11:30 . Banyak sey ketupat . I rasa tetap tu semua tak cukup for Raya . Anyway sayang , just now I did my first paper for this term . And guess what ?! IT WAS EASY ! Well , not too easy but it was doable . I was so scared that whatever I study won't come out . But the topics that I studied all came out ! Alhamdulillah ! I guess you banyak doakan I kat dalam eh sayang ? Sayang nak tahu tak ? Tadi bila I nak gi school , I forgot to wear my watch and my "Cino" bracelet . And I felt really uncomfortable . I feel like there won't be any luck for the paper . But luckily when I look at the paper , it was easy . Tomorrow is the last day of Ramadhan . And then . . . Jengjengjeng , RAYA ! Hehe . Tak sabar nye nak Raya . But still , you're not here for Raya . Hais . . .

Day 178

Hello . (: Since I cannot talk much about my thoughts anymore , I did nothing today except study . Tomorrow is my exam and I need to study and study . It's difficult without having you around here to study with . Anyway , I'm not sleeping tonight . Will study till sahur then baru I tidur . Paper is at 2:30 luckily . Wow , that is all I can say for today . 3 more days to raya . Kat dalam ade uat celebration or anything ? I nak tahu jugak . I guess that's all . Oh I almost forgot . HAPPY 5 YEAR 3 MONTHS ! (: Bye sayang .

Day 177 (Seventh letter)

Sayang , I received your letter just now . And I must say that when I read that letter , I never thought that was you . Your English in that letter was REALLY GOOD ! I mean REALLY . I never seen you write THAT GOOD . It's not perfect but it's GOOD . Haha ! I guess it is time for me to reply to you . I sihat walafiat sayang . Sayang lemah sebab puasa ? Haha ! Cute la sayang . Alhamdulillah sayang puasa . Make sure full tau sayang ! Memang I selalu type surat malam2 . Since I takle bobal2 dengan you malam2 like we used to , I type la malam2 . In a way I am talking to you too . You got a little hurt when I asked you , "What if you were to betray me once again , what should I do sayang ?" Why were you hurt sayang ? It is just a question . You want me to think ahead . I've been thinking ahead when I was with you . But you had been living in the past . The past that I really hate ! You went back to your old life . How can I think ahead ? My thoughts of th...

Day 176

Sayaaang ! Hehe (: I am so sleepy right now and it's only 11:05pm ! I didn't have enough sleep these past few days la sayang . Belajar je , mana sempat nak tidur . Anyway , tadi I went to see your mum kat rumah you . I buka with your mum . I LOVE your mum's cooking ! Then your dad balik . Your dad pakai kasut VANS you yang you baru beli ! Haha ! Da hancur bederai pun kasut tu . Nanti you keluar , I buy for you a new one kay ? Kesian kasut you tu bila I tengok . Haha ! Tadi I watched TV with your parents . Your dad nye ketawe takle angkat ! Kadang I ketawe bukan pasal cerita tu kelakar , it's because of your dad's laugh . Haha ! xD Hmm , I'm going out with your mum in the morning tomorrow . At around 9am . It's about your duit GST I think . She wants me to follow . Ikut je la . Just now your mum talks about you and Hatim . She feels sad that you two are not able to celebrate HariRaya with us this year . Your dad pulak takde mood untuk Ra...

Day 175

Hello sayangkuuu ! Right now it's 2:16am . I just came back home . I went out with my brother to cuci kereta with his friends . Anyway , TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY ! Hehe (: Banyak kawan I wish I sey sayang . The only special one I was waiting for is from you . Sadly I didn't get to hear it from you . Anyway, Abang Hidir bought for me a small handbag brand Guess ! Hehe (: I like ! My parents bought for me New Look heels and $100 . Fatin bought for me Revlon lipstick and my brother bought for me Britney Spears perfume ! YAY ! They bought a lot of things for meee ! This year's birthday was ALMOST perfect . It will only be perfect when you were there celebrating with me . Sayang , my brother and Shima is on the verge of breaking up . Their reason is that their Love fade since they didn't see each other . Then I told my brother , "My love for Hilman is still strong after 6 months." I just don't understand why his love fade . I'm like all other...

Day 174

Right now is after midnight ! (12:34am) HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME ! I am officially 19 years old . My last year of being a teenager . I know I should be happy today , but something is always missing . And that something is you . I wish I can hear you wish me Happy Birthday right now . Hais , ini pun boleh uat I nangis . I just need to hear that sayang . I NEED to hear that . I just have a feeling that you are wishing me right this moment . I don't know why tonight I just feel close to you . Anyway , today I bought my shoes from New Look . As usual sayang , it is platform heels . That is my birthday present from my parents . And what about from you ? I tak dapat ape2 present ke ? Hehe (: Just having you here right next beside me will be the greatest present ever ! Last year , my birthday was nothing . This year , it is still nothing . I won't be surprise if next year , you akan uat hal lagi on my birthday . I don't think my birthday really mean anything to y...

Day 173

As per usual , I'm sleeping late again . Can't sleep . So I'll be up all night playing The Sims . Today I petang2 malas nak mampos . My parents bingit dengan I . Haha . I  ketawe je . But then malam I kemas satu rumah ! Semua gi terawih, I dengan Fatin kemas rumah . Rajin kan I ? Hehe (: Tadi I gi Giant kat Nex and I saw Suhaimi Yusof ! He looks like a giant in real life ! He's even taller than my father . Fuyoooh ! Haha ! Hais , siapa pulak chat dengan I kat Facebook malam2 buta ni ? Tadi petang pun ade laki chat dengan I . Tapi I tak layan laki petang tuh . Dia kate Hello terus off . Sekarang ni lets see . . . Hmmm . . . Hahahaha ! Bilang dia I attached terus kate , "Oh okay , taknak ganggu la . Take care!" Okay bagus . I pun malas nak layan diorang semua . Birthday I is in 2 days . Exam I in 6 days . Hari Raya in 8 days . I'm visiting you in 10 days . Hidup I ni da banyak sangat schedule . Sayang , tadi I bobal dengan Fatin ab...

Day 172

I was weak today . Stayed in bed the whole time . I was supposed to go to school , but I woke up late . Hais . . . Sayang , Hari Raya is in 10 more days sayang . This year, I can't celebrate with you . You won't be accompanying me on the first day of Raya . I will have to layan sedara2 I sebelah my dad . I just wish you were here . Seems like these past few days I have nothing much to talk about . Tomorrow is the starting of the weekend . And I'll be at home studying for my exam . Hopefully I am able to do my paper . My life is getting much and much boring without you . I prefer sleeping . At least I can dream about you . I wanna be a sleeping beauty . Kiss me once you're out okay ? Hais , da start la merepek I ni . I AM SO BORED RIGHT NOW . I tengok laptop I , laptop I tengok I . Tu je ah I buat satu hari . I wonder how do you survive inside sayang. That you you kate ramai orang kat sana kate kalau sekali da masuk mesti ade dua kali. IT IS SO NO...

Day 171

Hello sayangku ! Today I kemas rumah sayang . Just kat luar aje . Nothing much . Anyway sayang , this morning bila I sahur , my parents tiba2 start la diorang nye angin . I was the one who kena marah the most . Fatin dengan abang I terus masuk bilik . I kat luar nga makan sahur so I yang kene . I cried while eating . I keep on getting this and I am sick of it ! After eating , I stared out the kitchen window thinking about you . I'm fragile , I'm emotionally weak . If something were to just hit me emotionally , I'll just have a breakdown . You are not here anymore to make me feel better . I cried even more thinking about it . And if reading this make you think that I'm immature , think again . I need you to be here . You are my life . You are gone now . If you think I keep on crying for you is stupid , means you never understood me . Da la . I asyik pikir yang you kate I macam budak kecik kat surat . It really makes me quite mad . Hais . . . Good ...

Day 170

Today is HUNDRED AND SEVENTY DAYS without you ! Wow , it is going to be almost 6 months without you . I can't believe I can still be this strong . I guess I'm stronger than I think I am . Anyway , today Abang Hidir ajak I keluar tengok wayang . He has two free tickets . So he ajak me . I watched The Bourne Legacy . Tak salah I've watched this with you before . The first few sequel . You ingat tak ? You kan suka cerita macam gitu . Sayang , tomorrow is National Day . Sayang kat dalam pakai merah tak ? Haha ! Okay , I da start da merepek I . Sayang , yesterday visits was mostly you marah I . I know you love me . I just need you to trust me that I will never cheat on you . Never okay ? I CINTAKAN YOU .

Day 169 (Night)

I'm back again sayang . Just now I went Swensens for buka with my two girlfriends . Ernie and Dalila . They are the ones that put through with my nonsense in Year 2 . Since I end school at 7pm just now , might as well eat kat luar kan ? My test just now was easy Alhamdulillah . Sayang , I'm sorry for making you worried most of the time in prison . But that is how I always do when you are here with me . I always tell you where I go , who am I with and what time I'll be home . So I tell you everything in the letter . Getting mad at you wasn't right at all . Mesti lah you kat dalam pikir macam gitu . And I tahu you kat dalam pun mengharap I kat luar tak main belakang you . I understand your feelings and situation inside sayang . You tak nampak , so not every words I say would be true . But trust me when I say I love you and only you . I nak you tutup mata sebelum tidur and picture me with you . I want you to remember our happy days . In your head , pict...

Day 169 (Afternoon)

Sayang ! I'm in school right now ! It's almost 2 here . I was thinking about what you said during the visit . I was quite irritated when you say that I'm immature in the letters . What do YOU want me to think about when you're inside ? How can I think about happy things when you betrayed me ? You lied to me . You cheated on me . And yes , I forgive you . But did you think I can forget ? No , I don't think I can . Wait until I see you change and I will think about it . And you know that you do not have to worry because I will always and forever be with you . I'm quite mad with you right now . Why did you say that I might have another guy ? Why are you accusing me of such things ? Almost 7 months pass and my love for you is as strong as ever . I visit you every time I had a chance to . I wrote letters to you every single day about my life . I bought for you whatever you need while your time in there. And you said that I have another guy in my ...

Day 168

Now is 12:27 Before I continue with my work , I need to post this letter first . Hehe (: Sayang , today most people in school wearing purple . A girl from my course , nursing , passed away . She committed suicide . She is only 18 sey sayang . The newspaper said that she has relationship problems . But my friends all said that is a lie . I know that girl . I may have talked to her once or twice . I'm not that close to her . I'm so surprised that a week ago I just saw her laughing . And now she's gone . I can understand how her bestfriends feel . I saw a guy , he was her bestfriend . He look so sad and gloomy . He reminded me of myself when you were gone . I am much better now . It will take time for him to heal . But he will be okay one day . Anyway , I'll be seeing you tomorrow ! Well technically it is today ! I'll see you in 7 hours ! Hopefully sayang rindu I sangat sangat la . Hehe (: Today da starting of week 25 . Da 168 days without you...

Day 167

Right now it's just after maghrib . Sayang , I'm crying right now . Not because of you but because of my parents . We went out just now , and I wore a simple dress . My dad suddenly get so bising and said that I was overdressed . Diroang selalu kate kalau boleh , pakai baju yang da gantung . Baju tu I da pakai untuk sekolah , so I wore it again today . I terus tak bebual dengan my dad . Then just now , I gaduh dengan my brother . He said I tu lah ni la . Then I just said , "Diam ah bodoh ." My mum stepped in and marah I just because of the "bodoh" word . Which actually the starting of our quarrel was his fault . I don't know why everyone is trying to get me today . Ape I uat salah sey you ? And everytime when this happens , I just wish I can just run to you . But I know I can't . So all I did was cry silently in my room . I wish you were right here with me to erase all my problems away . But nothing I do can bring you back here rig...

Day 166

Today is SUCH a boring day ! Oh , HELLO SAYANG ! Today I cuma keluar at 10:30 to belajar with Zaim and Hakim . Then at 12 I terus balik . Right now it's 2:10 and I have been staring at the laptop . Might be playing Sims 3 later on . Sayang , if only I can erase the bad memories away , I won't be like this . I would be happy living my life right now . But all I did everyday was thinking about the bad things you did . If you love me you would stop everything . But you secretly did it behind my back . How dare you sayang ? I HATE WHENEVER I THINK ABOUT THIS . Ish , I bingit dengan diri sendiri . Why do I have to think about negative things all the time ? What do you think about when you're inside sayang ? Do you think about me ? Do you think about us ? Do you think negative things about me ? Let me know sayang . I'll be seeing you on 7th August . It's two more days . See you sayang . I AKAN SELALU CINTAKAN YOU .

Day 165

Good Midnight Sayang ! Hehe (: Right now is 12:46am . I just came back from Geylang with my family . Just now I buka with Rusydi, Haziq and Ira . Kalau you lupa siapa , it's my secondary school friends . But Abang Hidir follow too la since he has nothing to do . After we ate Pastamania , we went to lepak since it was raining so heavily . We have no where to go , lepak pun jadi la . We talked about ghost story , NS lifes and our secondary school life . Diorang menyeramkan je ah . Naseb I balik dengan my family . Kalau tak seraaam ! Haha ! Sayang , macam da lama sangat I tak visit sayang . Rindu sangat la sayang . Takpe , sabar kay ? I'll see you in 4 more days sayang . Just 4 more days . Sayang , my gigi is in pain right now . It's like one of my teeth is loose . Nanti check2 terus bogey ! Ish ! Sejak I pakai braces ni , makan tu sakit , makan ni sakit ! Nasib dengdeng masih boleh kunya . Kalau tak , I buka braces ni . Haha ! Dulu mati2 nak braces . Bil...

Day 164

Sayaaang ! I just reached home from fetching my mum . (12:53am) So tired ! Today I went buke with Abang Hidir again . Honestly sayang , he's like a brother to me . He's so caring . But sadly he has too much problem with Kak Aisyah . But he would still want to marry her . Hais , I don't understand him really . Sayang tak marah kan I asyik keluar dengan Abang Hidir ? If yes , sayang tell me kay ? So anyway , I got my dengdeng again today ! Hehe (: SUKA SANGAT ! :D Sayang , would you be like Abang Hidir ? Even if I were to leave you , would you wait till I come back to you ? I was wondering about it . Would you ? Or would you just move on and find another ? Sometimes I wonder too . If you were to leave me , I would wait for you . But I have limits too . And if I see you happy with some other girls , I would tell myself to move on too . I guess it depends right ? Five more days to see you sayang . I CINTAKAN YOU .

Day 163

Hello sayang . Today I did my NS1 test . It was easy ! Yay ! I hope to get full marks for it . Hopefully I will get it sayang . Today Abang Hidir came to my school to buka with me . I act as if he was my boyf . HAHA ! He played along with it . Then my friends believe it sey ! Then they was like , "What about your boyf inside jail ?" Then terus I kate , "No lah ! This is my brother je la !" Haha ! My friends face semua takle angkat sey . They all looked so shocked and speechless . I baru balik ni . Sayang , I was thinking about what you said in the letters . I can stop smoking . Antara nak ke taknak . I guess I can't stop . But I'm not heavy sayang . It's like dulu2 . Bila takde sudah . Bila ade duit baru beli . Talking about money kan sayang , I really feel like buying for you iPhone . Or maybe some other phones that enable you to video chat dengan I . Kan best ? We'll see about it kay ? I miss you sayang . I CINTAKAN YOU ....