Day 94
It's midnight again sayang !
I've been staying up late to finish all my assignments .
But I will never forget to write to you .
Sayang , I guess you are right , I memang makin kurus .
I realised today I cuma makan 3 roti and hotdogs .
I tak rasa lapar lagi after that sayang .
Maybe memang I tak biasa hidup tanpa you .
Kebahagian I ni tak sama dengan kebahagian dulu I dengan you .
Even if we fight , there were still a smile on my face because you were there with me .
Right now I have nothing . No you in my life to make me do something right .
I'm not trying to make you feel bad .
But you know how hurt I feel the minute you knew that you are going in right ?
You knew how angry I'll be .
You knew how sad I'll be .
You knew how much hurt I'll feel .
But you did it . You already did it .
What do you want me to feel sayang ?
You want me to believe that you will change .
I'm sorry but I want to see you change first then I'll believe that you will .
I let go of you the last time and this is what happened .
I'm not going to let go of you again .
I'm going to be angry if you make something wrong .
Marah tanda sayang .
And if you think that all this time I'm angry at you because I hate you ,
you are so wrong .
You are still immature sayang .
I'm immature when it comes to love and you .
You are immature when it comes to everything .
Grow up . Realise that you are getting older and not younger .
Those youth days that you had will never be the same again .
Think about it sayang .
I'll be there when you made your decision for your future .
I love you . A LOT .
With me still being here for you , proves my love to you a lot .
I've been staying up late to finish all my assignments .
But I will never forget to write to you .
Sayang , I guess you are right , I memang makin kurus .
I realised today I cuma makan 3 roti and hotdogs .
I tak rasa lapar lagi after that sayang .
Maybe memang I tak biasa hidup tanpa you .
Kebahagian I ni tak sama dengan kebahagian dulu I dengan you .
Even if we fight , there were still a smile on my face because you were there with me .
Right now I have nothing . No you in my life to make me do something right .
I'm not trying to make you feel bad .
But you know how hurt I feel the minute you knew that you are going in right ?
You knew how angry I'll be .
You knew how sad I'll be .
You knew how much hurt I'll feel .
But you did it . You already did it .
What do you want me to feel sayang ?
You want me to believe that you will change .
I'm sorry but I want to see you change first then I'll believe that you will .
I let go of you the last time and this is what happened .
I'm not going to let go of you again .
I'm going to be angry if you make something wrong .
Marah tanda sayang .
And if you think that all this time I'm angry at you because I hate you ,
you are so wrong .
You are still immature sayang .
I'm immature when it comes to love and you .
You are immature when it comes to everything .
Grow up . Realise that you are getting older and not younger .
Those youth days that you had will never be the same again .
Think about it sayang .
I'll be there when you made your decision for your future .
I love you . A LOT .
With me still being here for you , proves my love to you a lot .