Day 33
I'm renovating my room sayang !
Hee (:
If you are here , sayang boleh tolong kan ?
Sebab my grandparents takde .
Anyway , I baru lepas cuci van my dad .
It's 12:39am right now sayang .
Kite cuci van malam2 .
Tadi my dad tak baik sey !
Dia on radio kat van . Then one song keluar .
He joget and look at me and sings , "Badanku kudut kerana ditinggal dia . . ."
Something like that lah .
My parents suka nah kacau2 I tentang you tau .
But it's alright la . At least they make me laugh .
Satu hari I kemas bilik I sayang .
I'm throwing away my desk , tangga and cupboard biru .
I'm buying new ones ! Finally I dapat change my room sayang !
I found some of my old stuffs that I wrote to you tapi tak terbagi .
And I found the Pooh Bear that you gave me .
I'm sleeping with it now .
Sayang , please tell me that you'll be out in 5 more months .
Because in 5 more months it's August .
I want you to be out as my birthday present .
I need nothing more sayang .
And akan berdoa yang sayang will be out before raya .
So that sayang dapat rasa suasana hari raya .
Insyallah sayang .
Kalau sayang cuma kat dalam 6 months .
I have 148 days left .
4 months and 26 days left .
And of course sayang , I'll be waiting patiently .
Well , memang tak sabar la tapi have to right ?
Love you forever sayang .