Day 18
How are you sayangku ?
My second week of attachment is over !
One last week of attachment next week and it is DONE !
Sayang , I wish you were here so that I boleh ceritakan you ape2 jadi kat hospital .
Banyak cerita kelakar sayang .
I'm still wondering whether sayang da dapat letter I ke belum .
I hope sayang akan reply sayang .
I wish you will .
Sayang today bila I balik attachment , rumah I tokang pecah !
Hahahaha ! Contractor semua datang untuk renovate dua-dua toilet rumah I .
I takde toilet !
Tapi they made a temporary small toilet for us so that we no need to go down .
The temporary toilet is quite small but convenient .
Sayang , how are you sayang ?
Are you alright inside ?
Sayang please sayang , don't do this anymore .
I know you love me , and I love you too .
But please sayang , buang la ni semua sayang .
I akan berdoa untuk you supaya you boleh berubah sayang .
And bila you keluar , I nak bawak you ke jalan yang betul sayang .
I want us to start from the beginning .
Be happy together sayang .
That is all I need .
I love you so much sayang .
And I will always love you .