Day 31

Sayang , I slept at 5 yesterday .
I couldn't sleep .
So I did something that I regretted knowing .
I went to search for your name on Google .
And I read something in someone's blog .

Sayang , do you know who is Angy Asmara ?
She talked about a guy named Cino from Bedok South .
She said that you asked her to be your girlfriend .
She knew Prashan, Taufiq, Md Noh and Madan .
Then Cino should be you right ?
You kenal2 dengan dia on October 2009 .
Sayang , we already 2 years 5 months at that moment .
And when I read our blog , at that month , kite banyak gaduh and I asked for break up .
Sayang , honestly , do you know her ?

Sayang , jangan salah sangka please ?
I takde niat nak uat ni semua .
I tak tahu kenape I tergerak hati nak search about you .
Padahal I da lama tak search about you .
It's like Allah wants me to know something .

I regret doing that sayang .
Sebab sekarang I tak tenteram .
Lepas QQ and now Angy mane entah ni .

Sayang I want to live my life with you .
And if you have a lot of secrets that you have been keeping from me , please tell me .
I taknak dapat tahu bila you keluar nanti .
I nak tahu sekarang . I nak you bilang I semua .
I have been jujur dengan you sayang .
I've been honest .
I told you about Ahn , Azrai and Apiz .
Sayang PLEASE , I beg you sayang . PLEASE tell me the truth .

Hati I nak nangis you bila I baca tu semua .
But now it's 2012 . It happen 3 years ago .
But I need to know the truth sayang . Please .

Every single day I wait .
Every single day I think of you .
And if thinking about all this is what I think about , it hurts .
Please sayang , I'm begging you .
Tenangkanlah hati I ni sayang .

I'll always love you no matter what happen .


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