Day 217

Hello sayangku .
I went out with Abang Hidir today .
Had lunch and watch a fighting movie .
I reached home at 11:30 .

Sayang , I guess today's post is going to be a little bit long .
Just now Abang Hidir talked to me .
In a way he is trying to tell me what I didn't see happening between both of us .

So here goes ,
First is going to be about Zaim and Hakim .
Sayang , I know you are jealous about them .
I know when I told you that I am hanging out with them , you bingit .
I know you wish that I will not hang out with them again .
Even if they have been my bestfriends for almost 9 years ,
I know you still wish I stop contacting them .
You are just afraid to say all that because you are afraid to lose me .
You are afraid to say no because you don't want us to fight .
You said yes is because you trust me and you know that I love you and only you .
And lastly , you said yes because you think they came in my life first before you .
So you think you don't have the power to say no .
Kalau laki lain , they will probably say no . But you let me .
So now I want you to know this .
If you were to have girl bestfriends , I will of course be jealous .
I would obviously be angry .
But please listen , you come first . You will always come first .
Starting from when you're out , I don't want you to be afraid .
When you are afraid in our relationship , then what for you be with me ?
I want you to tell me if something I'm doing is hurting you .

Secondly is about the drug .
I know it's because of me .
We fought a lot before you go in .
Do not lie and say that it was never because of me .
Whatever happened , I would always be at fault in what you do .
You love me . I am your life . We spent almost 24 hours together .
And you are trying to tell me that it was never my fault ?
I'm sorry . Truly sayang . From the bottom of my heart , I am so sorry .
I was too hard on you . I keep on leaving you and hurting you .
I shouldn't do that to you . I shouldn't have follow my anger and my ego .
Then one day you couldn't take it and you took it all out on me .
It was my fault . And I am still blaming myself about you being in jail .

Sayang , I want you to know this : I will never replace you .
We have our quarrels and bad days .
But you should know that in the end I will be coming back to you .
No matter what happen , I'll still be with you .

I love you . I really do .


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