Day 216

Sayang !!! Right now it is 9:10pm .
I just came back from dinner with my family .
I'm still quarreling with my family .
Even if just now I kinda talk to them and all , I still need to hear them apologise .
It is not my fault , so I'm not doing anything to even say sorry .

Kalau sayang kat sini , it will be much easier for me to handle something like this .
I know I don't need their rubbish when I have you .
I am very piss off everytime they team up on me .
Da la , uatpe je I talk about them .

Sayang , I'm leaving Singapore in 6 more days .
Sayang doa2kan I kay ? Harap2 I sampai sana dengan selamat .
I am going to miss you a lot .
I will still write to you about everything that is going on over there .
And of course if ade benda2 style2 , I will buy for you sayang .

Sayang , banyak cousin I semua da nak kahwin .
Bila agaknye eh kite nye turn ?
Do you even want to be with me ?

Okay lah sayang , I will miss you .



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