
Showing posts from March, 2012

Day 40

Hello sayang ! My room is much roomy now ! (: Tomorrow I'm going Ikea to buy furniture . Mesti best nye ! Sayang . . . I'm thinking about jomming again . Okay okay dah dah . I shuddup . Hee (: Mana laaa sayang nye letter ni ? Tak sabar tau nak baca sayang nye response . By now sayang mesti da dapat another 2 letters kan ? Sayang , bila you keluar nanti , I nak jaga you boleh ? I nak you bawah ketiak I hari2 boleh ? Biar you tak naughty lagi . I nak you buka mata you and realise that I need you in my life . So don't give up okay ? Be strong . I'm still waiting .

Day 39

Look at the time sayang ! I didn't have time to post for yesterday . I paint bilik I from 2pm-5am sayang ! I ni pun baru lepas mandi . Tak tidur satu malam sayang . Fatin tolong I skali . I rasa kalau sayang tak kat dalam , you da suruh I tidur . Tapi worth it la tak tidur sebab I'm done with my painting !!! Finally sayang . Now it is time for my new furniture . Sayang , bila you keluar nanti , I nak satu hari dengan you boleh ? I nak dengan you sampai I puas ! I ingat nak Amber after you keluar . But no . Hehe (: Bila you keluar , I nak 24 hours dengan you . Sebab I taknak lose you again sayang . I'll become crazy . I'm going over to your house this coming Monday . To see the letter you have given to your mum Hehe ! Tak sabaaar . I'm still missing you sayang . B/c my love for you is still strong .

Day 38

My room is 30% PINK ! YAYYY ! Now my skin added pink ! Finally da paint pink . Hais , tangan I macam nak ade blisters soon . It's painful sayang . I just wish sayang can be here to substitute I . Lagi pun my grandparents just went to Malaysia 15 minutes ago . They will be back on Saturday/Sunday . Sayang can come here and tolong I ! But no you takle . Oh ! Semalam I texted Hatim . And Hatim said he got your letter already . He said that you wanted me to wait for you and you miss me so much . I haven't see the letter yet . I badly want to see it sayang ! I badly want to see it . I'm still waiting for your letter . I just heard that you only receives 2 paper per month to write to me and your mum . Kalau sayang nak send to your mum , it's alright . I can wait . I just needed you to answer about QQ / Angy . How many more girls that I don't know of sayang ? I miss you . But thinking about the girls , upsets me a lot .

Day 37

Sayang , I started painting my room today ! I'm painting the white as the base first sayang . Bilik I macam kosong gitu . Benda banyak da buang . Tangan I banyak dot-dot paint putih . I'm sleeping with the dots since I'm still painting tomorrow . I rasa by Saturday insyallah habis . Sayang bila I busy gini , I rasa macam time jalan cepat gitu . That time bila you baru2 masuk , I tidur je . Tapi tetap jam jalan lambat . I ade feeling my parents bagi I renovate bilik I so that I have something to do . If you are still here with me , I tak rase bilik I dapat renovate . Sebab I asyik jumpa you je sayang . Hehe (: Six months is still too long sayang . Sayang tahu tak , sebelum I tidur , I mesti baca our messages . All our love , all our fights and all our naughtiness is what I read every night . Yes sayang , I cried . That is all I can do because you are not here with me . But honestly , reading it every night feels like you texting me . That is the only way to hear your voice ...

Day 36

I am currently watching Ghost Adventure . Did you know that bila you masuk , I start watching that ? Tengok cerita tu uat I rasa takut so I tak nak asyik nangis je hari-hari . Can you see that I'm sufferring ? I need you here . I need you every single day . My life is never complete without you around me . I regret every single thing that I had done . Am I your problem ? Am I the one that makes you suffer ? Is it also because of me you take that thing ? Hais . . . I'm still waiting for your letters to arrive . Where is your letters sayang ? I'm still yours right sayang ? All I think about is you . Do you think about me as much as I do sayang ? Take my soul . I don't want it without you .

In Pain

Sayang , look at the time . It's 1:44am . My heart is in pain . I can hardly breathe . If you are here , you would teman I sampai I dapat tidur . Right now who can be here for me ? Kenape I buta sangat ni sayang ? WHY AM I BLIND ?! You've been there for me all this while and why did I asked for more ?! Siapa yang sanggup bangun dari tidur and teman I ? Siapa yang sanggup tak tidur and teman I ? You've been there for me whenever I need you . Maafkan I you . I'm sorry for asking you to keep on proving your love towards me . I didn't realise how much you meant to me until you are gone . I love you . And I know you love me too .

Day 35

It's only 11:29 and everyone is already asleep ! Cepat kan ? I'm not yet asleep sayang . I'm installing The Sims again . I bought The Sims 3 Pets finally ! Hehe (: Today I went out with Yaya and Nadhirah . Shopping and shopping ! Hehe (: Whenever I see something really your type , I selalu kate : "Kalau aku belikan Hilman ni mesti lawa ." But how do I buy for you when you are still inside ? I miss going out with you and have fun with you sayang . Sayang , today has already be more then 2 weeks . Why hasn't I receive a reply from my first letter ? Do you even write to me sayang ? Everyday I spent a little bit of my time telling you how my day was . Please write to me as soon as possible ? I'm so eager to hear what you are going to say . I miss your touch , you voice and your affection towards me . I sanggup uat ape saje asalkan you kembali balik disisi I . I rindu you SO much . It hurts . Only Allah knows how bad it hurts .

Day 34

Sayang I just came back home from rumah Nyai . Penat sey I sayang . I semalam tidur pukul 4 . Then bangun pukul 8 sebab nak kene hantar Aqilah gi Montessori . Kite makan breakfast kat McDonald's Nex . Sayang , did you remember our last place we eat together ? It was at Nex McDonald's . I was looking at the seats we sat . Sedih I sayang . Kenangan I dengan you tetap ade di fikiran I di mana2 I pergi . Lepas tu I bought paint ! Hee (: SUKAAA sangat sayang ! I spent almost 2 hours painting my old dressing table . Now it's pink ! No more dark green . Tangan I semua kene paint sayang . Bila I nga paint drawers I tu , I termenung je sayang . Kalau you ade dengan I , I rase kite da paint each other . I was smiling thinking about that sayang . Sayang , I'm still waiting for you sayang . Cinta I terhadap you masih sama and semakin kuat sayang . I rindu sangat dengan you . Hopefully your mum dapat off so that I boleh jumpa you lagi ! (: You are my life . And without you , I'm...

Day 33

I'm renovating my room sayang ! Hee (: If you are here , sayang boleh tolong kan ? Sebab my grandparents takde . Anyway , I baru lepas cuci van my dad . It's 12:39am right now sayang . Kite cuci van malam2 . Tadi my dad tak baik sey ! Dia on radio kat van . Then one song keluar . He joget and look at me and sings , "Badanku kudut kerana ditinggal dia . . ." Something like that lah . My parents suka nah kacau2 I tentang you tau . But it's alright la . At least they make me laugh . Satu hari I kemas bilik I sayang . I'm throwing away my desk , tangga and cupboard biru . I'm buying new ones ! Finally I dapat change my room sayang ! I found some of my old stuffs that I wrote to you tapi tak terbagi . And I found the Pooh Bear that you gave me . I'm sleeping with it now . Sayang , please tell me that you'll be out in 5 more months . Because in 5 more months it's August . I want you to be out as my birthday present . I need nothing more sayang . And ...

Day 32

Sayang , I spent my whole day today on the bed . I've been stoning thinking about you . We have been together for almost 5 years . And I am still thinking that you don't truly sayangkan I . I keep on thinking about those girls . I don't want to mention their names again . I'm broken sayang . I'm hurt . I wish you can make me feel better now . Sayang , I will still love you even if you are going to be ex-convict . Because I love you . Because I know you can change . But knowing things that you've been keeping from me make me lose hope . Do you love me as much as I do sayang ? We spent 4 nights together at your house . Remember that ? We were so close . Every night before we sleep , you hug me close . I feel safe . Whenever you go to work , you were worried and you came back home to check on me . Remember that sayang ? When I woke up , I see you . It put a smile on my face seeing the love on my life as soon as I woke up . I stared at you while you sleep . I though...

Day 31

Sayang , I slept at 5 yesterday . I couldn't sleep . So I did something that I regretted knowing . I went to search for your name on Google . And I read something in someone's blog . Sayang , do you know who is Angy Asmara ? She talked about a guy named Cino from Bedok South . She said that you asked her to be your girlfriend . She knew Prashan, Taufiq, Md Noh and Madan . Then Cino should be you right ? You kenal2 dengan dia on October 2009 . Sayang , we already 2 years 5 months at that moment . And when I read our blog , at that month , kite banyak gaduh and I asked for break up . Sayang , honestly , do you know her ? Sayang , jangan salah sangka please ? I takde niat nak uat ni semua . I tak tahu kenape I tergerak hati nak search about you . Padahal I da lama tak search about you . It's like Allah wants me to know something . I regret doing that sayang . Sebab sekarang I tak tenteram . Lepas QQ and now Angy mane entah ni . Sayang I want to live my life with you . And if y...

Day 30

Sayang , I hope you got my letter already . Hopefully sayang akan jujur dengan I . Sayang , I tak marah dengan ape yang I dapat tahu . I cuma nak tahu what actually happened . Sayang , today I still think about the day I see you . I cannot get your face out of my mind . And I pun tak nak get your face out of my mind . Hee (: Sayang , I'm really falling in love with you all over again . I smiled thinking about you . I feel so in love . I feel like that first time we started being together . I love this feeling . Sayang , when I see you that day , there is something so different about you . You look much more berisi . You look much more fairer . Your eye bags are gone . The dark circles around your eyes are gone . Your face lagi tembam . And honestly , you look much hotter . And that is when I remembered something : That is the guy I fallen in love with . It just looks like setan sekeliling you semua da dihapuskan . Alhamdulillah sayang . I want you to be like that even selepas you k...

Jommink .

HAPPY 4 YEARS 7 MONTH You know what . *wink*

Day 29

Sayaaang it has been exactly one month without you here with me . I'm sleeping late again sayang . Sayang , do you know that today I'm like really happy ? I keep on thinking about your face . I think I'm falling in love with you all over again . And I'm liking it . I like this feeling sayang . I hate whenever I think negative things about you . And since I keep on thinking about your smile yesterday , it just feels better . Did you realise that I never keep my eyes off you the whole time ? I've been missing you . So I don't want to waste that 20 minutes . Even if I didn't get to say much , I got to look at you non-stop . I will store that picture of you in my mind until I get to see you again . Sayang , I never stop writing to you everyday . Trust me when I say I love you . I tak nak gaduh lagi . I tak nak waste our time quarreling . See what happened after we keep on quarreling ? You are gone . And I menyesal ! When you are out , lets...

Day 28

Sayang , look at the time that I'm posting this . I thought that I would be sleepy when I reached home . But until now (2:43am) I belum lagi ngantok sayang . I keep on thinking about you . I went over to your house @ about 10:30am . Pagi kan ? Then your mum and Jad belum siap2 lagi . Baru I tahu kenape sayang siap2 lambat sayang . Your family siap lambat ! Hee (: Then we went out at about 12:00pm . The bus was like in 13 minutes . And by the time we reach PLC , we were late . We reached at 12:55pm . But luckily there is an available slot at 2:15pm visit . Honestly sayang I don't know how to react when I see you . I know I would cry straight when I see you . And writing all this , I'm crying thinking about just now . Straight when I see you , we were looking at each other . I saw your tears , that was when I started crying . Alhamdulillah you solat and thanks for your prayers sayang . I think that is why I am able to go on with my life sayang . I pun berdoa untuk you sayang ...

On my way .

Sayang , since I tak boleh message you , blog pun boleh la . I'm right now waiting for Bus 2 . Bus lambat la sayang . I takut I lambat pastu takle jumpa sayang . Hopefully I boleh la sayang . I'll be seeing you in less then an hour !

At your house .

I arrived at your house one hour ago . And I'm still @ your house . Baru I tahu kenape you selalu siap lambat . Family you pun siap lambat . Haha ! Sayang , I miss coming here every morning and have breakfast with you . It just feels the same right now but it is just that you are not here . I gave one bottle of air Zam-Zam to your mum . Insyallah doa2 dia untuk you akan terkabul . I'll see you in few more hours sayang . I'm half nervous . I hope I am able to see you sayang . I can't wait ! See you when I see you !

Day 27

Sayaaang ! In about 15 more hours I'm going to see you . I really hope you would want to see me too . Remember your last message to me ? "Jage diri i,tgu i lau bleh.i sygkn u!minta maaf" That is what exactly you sent to me . I cried immediately . Setahun lama tau you . I'm scared sayang akan lupa I . I'm scared you da give up on our love . I will visit you as many times as I can . So that our love will never die . I dreamt about you again . I dreamt that I received your letter finally . In that dream , you gave me a lot of pictures from prison . And you wrote will always hold on to our love . Sayang tahu tak bila I bangun , I terus mandi and check mailbox I . Tapi tetap you nye surat belum masuk . Did you received my letters yet sayang ? I wondered . See you soon sayang ! (:

Day 26

Hey sayang . My brother today return back from Saudi . And he brings home a lot of chocolate . Muak sey ! I just came back from rumah Zaim . I'm not keeping anything from you sayang . He invited me and Hakim for dinner . But then Hakim cannot make it . So I went . We watched TV sambil makan je . His brother and auntie are at home sayang . Sayang trust me kan ? I love you and only you sayang . Please takmo worry kay ? Cinta I terhadap you tak akan berubah sayang . Anyway , I'm seeing you in two more days . I don't know what to say . I think I know but I don't know whether it's the right time to ask . Sayang , did you realised that the last time I saw you was on 19 February ? And the next time I'm seeing you will be on the 19 March . Sayaaang , why did we fight sayang ? Sayang , when I look at our previous messages , we quarrel alot . Since October sayang . Banyak kali kita gaduh sayang . Why does it have to happen sayang ? Is it really my fault sayang ? Did I ma...

Day 25

It's still our day sayang . I miss you sayang . I regret not wishing you last month . I keep on thinking about that day . I want to take that day back . I want to just forgive you and be happy with you once again . I'm crying once again sayang . Last night , I felt extra lonely sayang . I didn't get to hear you wish me . I didn't get to share our day with you . I didn't get to hear you say you love me on our day . I cried kat dapur at night and let everything out . It hurts so much sayang . It really hurts . Today cerita "Airmata NurSalina" is on Suria . It's about two couple that love each other so much . Then one day the guy got a job and earn so much . Slowly , he think too much about money that he loan too much . Then when the guy da almost bangkrupt , he started doing drugs . When I knew about the story , I just walk away and went inside my room . I don't want to watch that kind of story . Sayang , my attachment ends today . And my result is a...


HAPPY 4 YEARS 10 MONTHS . Even if you're not here with me , you are always in my heart . I love you forever sayang .

Day 24

Sayang , have you replied my letter yet sayang ? Why sayang ? Why didn't you reply sayang ? I just checked my mailbox , and there isn't your letter . Where is it sayang ? Are you sending it to me soon sayang ? I will be almost 2 weeks sayang . You know what is tomorrow ? You know what will be in 2 hours ? Sayang , I'm heartbroken . I'm so sorry that last month I was so angry to even wish you . Sayang , I want to take that day back . Even if I were to be killed , my last wish is to be with you again . I'm hurt sayang . Come here and be my medicine . Ingat tak sayang ? I kalau sakit , I kate ni : "I takkan get better kalau you takde kat sini dengan I." My heart is hurting and I need you . I need you . I NEED YOU ! ):

Day 23

Sayaaang ! I masih happy ! (: But I asyik pikirkan ape eh I nak kate kat you . Sayang da dapat letter I belum ? Da more than one week sayang . Sayang masih belum dapat atau sayang belum reply ? Hais . . . Sayaaang , I betul2 rindu sayang . I will let you out in 6 months okay sayang ? Insyallah kalau your mum bagi . I don't mind not eating or spending my money just to be with you . I want to be with you even if I have to be bangkupt with you . I miss you more than you can ever imagine sayang . Sayang , i really really hope you are doing well inside . You the asthma semua okay tak ? Kat sane medicine semua diorang take care tak ? I promised to bring you to the doctor last month . But you went in . Sayang , I will forever wait for you .

Day 22

SAYAAAAAAAAAAAANG ! On the 19 I will be seeing you !!! 7 more days sayang ! Nothing can ruin my mood today ! I am so excited sayang . But I'm afraid . I don't know why . I'm just afraid . Sayang , have you forget about me ? I know you love me sayang . Kat dalam , when you have nothing to do , do you think of me sayang ? Everyday , I will shed a tear . I never fail to do so . Sayang , I was thinking whether I should install home phone in your house . So that you are able to get out in 6 months . But the thing is , do you want to wear tagging ? It's your choice . Sayang , hold on to our love please . I still love you .

Day 21

My final week of my attachment sayang . And soon HOLIDAY . But it is no fun without you sayang . We plan so much but now nothing . It really hurts sayang whenever I think about it . I miss your smiles . "Senyumanmu sering ku terbayang . . ." Whenever that song start playing , I pictured your smile in my head . Then I will shed a tear . Aqilah is getting better sayang . I rase environment kat rumah yang uat dia macam gitu la sayang . Dengan construction semua kan rabak . Sayang , I still doesn't get your letter sayang . I wonder whether you get it or not . Hais . . . Why does this have to happen to us sayang ?

Aqilah warded.

Aqilah is warded sayang . She has been having fever on and off for 3 weeks since you masuk . I rase dia jangkit I la sayang . Sebab since you masuk , I kan sakit2 . Kesian dia sekarang . Sekarang I dengan dia kat ward nga tunggu my mum datang . Sayang , if you tak kat dalam , you mesti visit Aqilah kan ? And malam ni , you mesti berbual dengan I tentang Aqilah kan ? Sayang , Aqilah ask me why you tak boleh visit dia kat hospital . I said that police tangkap you and you cuma boleh jumpa dia bila dia 7 years old . I cried that moment sayang . And she played with your necklace that I'm wearing . Sayang , Aqilah pun rindu you sayang . Sayang , when can I see you ? I miss you so much sayang . It really is killing me .

Day 20

Sayang , I'm right now @ KK . My cousin just gave birth to a baby boy . I kept on looking at the baby sayang . How will Rayyan look like eh sayang ? How will OUR baby look like sayang ? Sayang I cried a moment thinking about Rayyan . Will he exist sayang ? Will his dad be you sayang ? Sayang I think about you wherever I go . I miss you a lot sayang . I really do . Trust me when I say that I will be waiting for you even if it takes forever .

Day 19

Sayaaang . I sakit lagi la sayang . Dengan construction semua kat rumah I ni , tekak I sakit2 . Sayang , I wonder you received my letter yet or not ? Have you replied me sayang ? I guess you are still writing to me . Hais , I wish I could hear you right now . I need to know how you are doing . Are you alright in there . That is all I'm worried about . Kat dalam tu ukannye orang yang baik2 sayang . I'm scared something were to happen to you . But hey , you tahu jaga diri kan sayang ? I just don't want anything to happen to you . Sayang , are you thinking of me like how I think about you ? Every single day , there will be a point of time where I termenung and think about you . Most of the time , tears are the one that shows me that I love you so much . I miss you so much sayang . Now I know the feeling of "rindu setengah mati" . Not being able to hear you , to see you or to feel you hurts so bad sayang . I hope I will get your letter soon . Love you . Always .

Day 18

How are you sayangku ? My second week of attachment is over ! One last week of attachment next week and it is DONE ! Sayang , I wish you were here so that I boleh ceritakan you ape2 jadi kat hospital . Banyak cerita kelakar sayang . I'm still wondering whether sayang da dapat letter I ke belum . I hope sayang akan reply sayang . I wish you will . Sayang today bila I balik attachment , rumah I tokang pecah ! Hahahaha ! Contractor semua datang untuk renovate dua-dua toilet rumah I . I takde toilet ! Tapi they made a temporary small toilet for us so that we no need to go down . The temporary toilet is quite small but convenient . Sayang , how are you sayang ? Are you alright inside ? Sayang please sayang , don't do this anymore . I know you love me , and I love you too . But please sayang , buang la ni semua sayang . I akan berdoa untuk you supaya you boleh berubah sayang . And bila you keluar , I nak bawak you ke jalan yang betul sayang . I want us to start from the beginning . B...

Day 17

Tomorrow is Friday and it is going to be the end of another week without you . It is going to be 3 weeks past . 49 more weeks left . 11 months and ten days left . 347 days left . Every week I kira sayang . Every week I minus seven from the days left . It's very slow sayang . Bila you takde kat sini , the time is really really slow . And sayang , I rasa I gain weight sayang . Since you were gone , satu minggu I tak makan betul . I cuma makan one bowl of bubur each day . That was the time I kurus gila you . But since I nye attachment , I have to eat to have energy . I think I ate too much already . Or maybe , Rayyan is in my body ? Sayang , I've been thinking about the day we were at Amber . Sayang , I'm craving for you too much . I've been thinking about it sayang . So you remember , we've been quarreling too much . Too much that we don't look at each other properly anymore . Right now , it's like too late . Too late to even be in each other's arms right ...

Day 16

Sayang , bila laaa sayang I boleh jumpa you sayang ? I ingin sangat jumpa you sayang . Why do you have to leave sayang ? Why ? I started crying for you again sayang . It feels so quiet , so empty and so hurtful here without you . I NEEEEED YOU SAYANG . I wanted to shout so that you can hear me . I don't want you to fell out of our love sayang . Stay sayang . Stay . Have you received my letters ? I thought by one day locally you will get it . Hopefully you understood what I'm trying to say . And I really hope you will reply me sayang . I'll be waiting for your letter sayang . You took my heart . And I'm not taking it back . I will still be loving you no matter what .

Day 15

Sayang , da setengah bulan sayang tinggalkan I sorang diri . Lagi lama sayang dapat keluar . I will still be waiting sayangku . I just came back from fetching my mum home . Tadi sebelum tu , I lepak dengan Hakim and Zaim . It was fun sayang . They are there always to cheer me up . Sayang , everytime I balik malam gini , I selalu pikirkan you . Sebab selalu kalau I balik malam gini , I mesti call you to tell you I da sampai rumah . I miss calling you every night . I miss calling you every morning . I miss calling you when I'm going out . I miss calling you when I'm returning home . I feel so alone sayang . I need you . Only you can complete my life right now . My life is really incomplete without you . Everything I do , I feel like something is missing . Everytime I kat hospital , I slalu tengok handphone I skejap just to see your face . I just can feel you there with me when I look at you . I miss you touch . I want to hug you . I will wait for you . I will never in my life wil...

Day 14

I dreamt about you again sayang . I was at your house searching for your letter . Then you suddenly came back home . I was shocked . I made food for you . But you refused to eat . You were angry at something that I don't know . I woke up straight . I'm afraid . Are you forgetting about me so soon sayang ? I've been waiting for your mum to tell me the address of your cell . But your mum is not calling me . Sayang , I'm really anxious . I never forget about you and I hope you won't too . I'll see you soon sayang . I just came back from your house again . I saw the letter from prison . Now FINALLY I got to send you the letters . Finally sayang . I really hope you will reply sayang . I am still your girlfriend kan sayang ? I will forever be your girlfriend kan sayang ? I will never replace you . I will NEVER sayang . Trust me please . I love you . Forever .

Day 13

I just finished solat . I prayed for you . Hopefully you are fine inside . That is all I prayed for . And another thing that I always berdoa . Dari pertama kali I jatuh cinta dengan you . I berdoa agar cinta sayang terhadap I tak akan berubah sikit pun . Sebab walau berape marah atau benci I terhadap you , I tetap cintakan you macam mane I cintakan you dulu . Sayang , I need you in my life . I crave for you every moment when I'm alone . Sayang , everytime I termenung , I asyik pikirkan the last moment we were together . We only had one long kiss . And the next day I lost you . Just like that sayang . JUST LIKE THAT . I lost you just like that . It hurts so much knowing that few weeks before you leave me , kite asyik gaduh je . My most words to you are words of anger . I menyesal sayang . I really regret . I wish I can really turn back time sayang . I want to marry you . I tak kesah ape you ade . I just want to be with you . I takle hidup tanpa you . Can't you see all the words ...

Day 12

Today I bangun pagi I happy sayang ! At exactly 9:25am today , I got a message from Hatim . And he said that I CAN VISIT YOU ! I CAN VISIT YOU SAYANG ! I miss you so much . When I saw that message I was smiling the whole day . I'm so happy . I really can't wait to see you sayang . Today Abang I pergi Umrah . And on Monday Fatin is going to Perak for camp . And I'm alone sayang . Nanti ade contractor datang untuk buat toilet I . And my grandparents going to be at my Uncle's house . And I will be alone if I balik kerja . I just wish you can teman me here at my house . I miss spending time with you sayang . Remember the day you came to my house ? I miss those times . Alone in my room with you . I will always feel empty . I will send you letters soon sayang . I hope you will reply sayang . I need to know what you were thinking . I will always love you . ALWAYS .

Day 11

I forget to say that I received a call from Singapore Prison yesterday . That is why I dreamt that you called me . They said that I am able to see you alone . YAY ! (: Sayang , sayang ingat tak everytime kaki I sakit from attachment , you yang urutkan ? Sekarang kaki I sakit tapi takde orang urutkan . Hais , kenape sayang have to leave me sayang ? Sayang , I've been with you for almost 5 years . And if you are not the one for me , I don't know who will be sayang . I want you . and only you sayang . Sayang , I don't feel safe without you here . Kalau you ade kat sini , I know you won't let anyone hurt me . But now , I feel fragile . It's like I can get hurt anytime . I lost my knight and shining armor which is you sayang . Sayang ingat tak lagu ni ? "Sanggupkah kau bersabar sayang Untuk bersama diriku Dalam menempuh dugaan Yang serba mencabar Sanggupkah bersabar sayang Susah senang bersamaku Semoga kau tak menyesal Berkawan denganku Sedarkah engkau Hidup aku ser...

Day 10

Sayang , it's already 10 days without you . I woke up today thinking that you really called me . I had a dream last night . Here's the dream . You called me . I was shocked that you are able to call me . I was crying hearing your voice . I told you that I will visit you soon . Suddenly you told me that you got to get out for a day . We went somewhere that I don't really know where . We went there by Ayah's van . You have license . Then there were some people trying to sabotage us . They have been following us wherever we go . Then the police caught them and we are off to send Aqilah and Fatin home . To avoid anymore danger to them . Then while you were driving , I leaned on your shoulder . I told you that I don't want you to go yet . Then you told me , you have to go back in that night . You can't stay long . And then in the dream I cried so hard . When I woke up , I let out a heavy sigh . I miss your voice . Even if I heard it in my dream , it just feel so rea...