Day 329

Hello sayangku .
This is going to be my last letter for you .
But I will still be writing after this .
You just have to check out our blog to read what I'm doing after today .

Sayang , just one and the half more month till you are release .
I really don't know how to feel . I am happy of course .
But how do I react to you when I see you . Would it be awkward ?
Would it be like the first time I meet you ?

I'm visiting you in 6 more days .
I need to ask you about the baju you need once again .
Hopefully I tak lupa la .

Your mum will be seeing you in 3 more days .
I really wish that I could follow !
I really want to !!!
But hey , I cuma matair you sayang . . .

Sayang , why do you want the lyrics for Kebahagiaan Dalam Perpisahan – Shahir AF8 ?
Have you even listen to the lyrics before ?!
It's not a happy song do you know that ?
Is it for me sayang ? Let me tell you about the lyrics .

"Tak perlu ucapkan sepatah kata
Kerna lantang terbaca dari muka
Kau dan daku sudah tiada
Keserasian di jiwa
Mungkin magisnya sudah hilang

Tak perlulah kita mencuba lagi
Betulkan kesilapan perhubungan ini
Bila setiap perbincangan
Menjadi perbalahan
Manakah agaknya cinta kasih

What ? I dengan you da takde lagi ?
What do you mean ?
Did I do something wrong ?

"Embun pun takkan mampu menyubur sekuntum
Bunga yang layu pada musim luruh
Yang dulunya mekar di sinar suria
Bila sudah kering pasti akan gugur

Seperti cinta kita yang jelas ternyata
Semakin lama oh semakin rekah
Menimbulkan tanya apa mungkin kita
Temu kebahagiaan dalam perpisahan

What is happening to our relationship that I don't know ?
What do you mean by "Semakin lama , semakin rekah" ?
Is this song even for me sayang ?

"Usah titis air mata kau tangiskan
Ku dah cukup menampung selautan
Begitu lama ku pendam
Tapi hanya berdiam
Kerna cuba menafi realiti"

Sayang , seriously , is this song for me ?
Did you picked the wrong song ?
You think the title of the song means a different thing is it ?
Do you know that whenever we gaduh , I selalu dengar lagu ni .
Tak sangka pulak you dedicating this song to me .
Did something happened that I don't know ?
Your letter seems so loving and sweet but then you tiba2 talk about this song .
Haha ! Check2 you salah song .

Anyway sayang , take care of yourself !
I rasa bila letter ni sampai , you will have at least 2 weeks left sayang !
And soon , I will be in your arms .
Remember me always .
I love you . I love you so much sayang .
Remember that .


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