Day 323

Hello sayaaang !
This will be the last letter for you .
Today is another day of school .
I've booked to visit you on the 19 of January !!! Hehe (:

Nothing much going on in school anyway .
But going on to year 3 , nothing is getting easier .
Urgh !

So I'm okay with Abang Hidir alr .
Seems like without me around , die jadi gila .
And I mean literally ! He was referred to a psychologist at CGH .
I was really shocked !
He have too much going on in his mind I guess .

And then lepas satu , satu !
Azrai tiba2 message I .
He sound so high !
He suddenly ask me whether I have someone special in my life .
I told him he know what ! He knows I have you dari dulu pe !
Then he was like , "Umm , I don't know ."
Then die tiba2 kate Hi lagi .
Irritating la please . Urgh .

Da , I malas nak layan diorang ni , tidur pun best !
Love youuu ! Muah !


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