Day 293

Sayangku !
Just to let you know , I'm much better now .
I went to Health Check up at SATA Bedok today .
I went with my mum aje .
She was so funny the whole time .
We were like mother-daughter bonding at that place .
Anyway sayang , this health check-up is free .
It's only for those who were chosen .
And after the check-up they give us $80 each just because we participate .
Best kan ? Hehe . Finally I ade duit for my next week attachment .
After the check up we meet my siblings all at Nex for lunch .
My mum were in a very good mood and she blanja us . Haha .

So right now I'm on my bed as usual , thinking about you .
Believe it or not , I'm thinking about Jommink .
Do not tersengeh2 kat situ eh . Hmph .
Da da , jangan sampai termimpi2 pulak .



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