Day 268
Happy Deepavali sayaaaaang !
Hehe (: Today is TGIF - Today Got Indian Festival !
Hehe (:
Anyway , my cousins came over today .
We played kinect all day .
I was suppose to study for tomorrow's practical test .
But they came , so I ape lagi , enjoy je ah . Hehe !
As usual , they all came to discuss about my cousin's wedding .
But since tu semua orang tua nye hal , yang lain semua main game je ah .
Bising satu rumah ! Atuk I join sekali !
Cute gilerrr sey Atuk I !
My uncles and aunties pun join joget2 .
Hais . . . I miss the fun I had with you .
One day , we will have the time of our lives !
But for now , all we can do it wait .
I will always love you sayang .
I will always wait for you .