Day 264

I should be sleeping by now . But I can't .
Anyway , hello sayangkuuu !
I just took my medicine just now .
So I'll be asleep in a few minutes .
Maybe in an hour or so .
I'm going to read through some stuffs now since I am unable to sleep .
But after I write this letter of course .

Sayang , I've been thinking about the day when you're out .
I don't know how to react .
I should be happy . But I know I'll be crying too .
Hais , just thinking of you makes me cry so bad right now .
Da 8 bulan you kat dalam , I nangis macam you baru masuk .
Kadang I sendiri tak tahu kenape I tiba2 nangis .
But I've been smiling a lot lately .
And of course it's because of you too .
I keep on imagining you surprising me at my doorstep .
At the thought of that always makes me smile .
My friends sampai kate I da gile .
Haha !
I miss you too much sayang .

I'm hopelessly devoted to you .


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