Day 262

Sayang , I didn't go school today .
I'm too weak to go anywhere .
But I have to get an MC . So I went to polyclinic .
I have to check my heart too .
I took an ECG to check my heart .
It looks normal at first . But when I look at it again ,
there isn't any "P-wave" present .
It is something I learn in my class .
Something is wrong with my atria in my heart .
The doctor referred me to cardiologist in Tan Tock Seng .
Sayang , hopefully nothing serious is going to happen .
I'm really scared . I don't wanna think about it .
Dari dulu I told my parents to check at polyclinic , tapi tak pergi pun .
Hopefully it is not too late .
Sayang doakan I kay ?

I love you sayang .
I love you so much .


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