26 August 2010
The morning after the fight with my parents .
We were so sweet and caring the whole morning . Slowly when anger has taken over me , I was back to normal . I talk to Him like the normal way we use to joke with each other . So I somehow scolded him jokingly . The one that made me paused and look @ him was when he said :
"Pagi-pagi tadi okay . Kenape sekarang marah-marah I?"
He was very cute when he said that . But I laugh out loud when I realised it was true .
26 August 2010
The same morning after the fight with my parents .
We were waiting for 45 for so long . I messages Iris but the bus didn't come yet . So we thought maybe the bus is full and slow . So he said :
"We go for 4 minutes bus . If ramai orang , we go for the 15 minutes bus . If it is still ramai , we baring on the road - mati lagi bagus !"
I laughed like heaven I tell you ! He really knows how to cheer me up completely . I love him so much .
29 August 2010
Bono just had a fight with another cat . So Hilman closed the door to prevent anymore fights . Bono kept on purring to go out . Bono crouch on the floor to look under the door to see whether the other cat was outside . My SELENGE boyf did the same ! He could easily just open the door slightly to peep outside . But no , he followed a cat !
29 August 2010
The same night Hilman crouch on the floor like Bono .
Bono was purring noisily and kept on going around the house . Hilman said :
"Bono , be a cat . Don't be a monkey ." I laugh out loud !
14 Sept 2010
An hour ago , funniest thing happened !
Hilman sent me to the elevator to send me home . He was dancing like Micheal Jackson . He didn't even know there was an old lady in white was standing beside him . I pointed towards the old lady to tell him that he is going to hit her if he doesn't stop . He look to the back and shouted loudly . He was terribly shocked . I cannot stop laughing . The image is still in my mind ! LOL xD