Day 361
My paper is in 2 more days and all I need to do was only studying .
Right now I feel so insecure not studying .
I need some rest . Been studying even in Malaysia I studied .
I really hope I can pass this paper .
I wouldn't want to repeat at all !
Anyway, I was suppose to visit you tomorrow .
But your mum wanted me to push it to 22nd .
Valentines day ruin. ):
But takpe la. You pun da nak keluar .
Miss you LOADS!
My paper is in 2 more days and all I need to do was only studying .
Right now I feel so insecure not studying .
I need some rest . Been studying even in Malaysia I studied .
I really hope I can pass this paper .
I wouldn't want to repeat at all !
Anyway, I was suppose to visit you tomorrow .
But your mum wanted me to push it to 22nd .
Valentines day ruin. ):
But takpe la. You pun da nak keluar .
Miss you LOADS!