Day 350

Hey sayaaang .
Guess how many days I've lived without holding you ?
350 DAYS !
Can you even believe it ?

Stayed home the whole day today .
I was doing my ELAHA .
But I got bored and played The Sims .
Tapi terus the Sims yang main I balik . Haha !
I tertidur depan laptop I .

Hakim tadi tiba2 message I yang friendship I, Zaim dengan dia da masuk 10 tahun .
So diorang nak celebrate by baking a nutella cake at my house !
Haha ! Diorang da datang gila diorang .
But it will be after exam la .
It's so sweet of them . Confirm kite semua have fun ! LOL .

I'm going to continue with another 350 words for my ELAHA assignment .
But I'm going to end this day with a question .
Sayang , if both of us have no choice but only one can live , what would you do ?
Kill yourself and let me suffer alone ? OR kill me ?
Sorry . I was watching The Hunger Game just now . Hehe .
Answer kay ?

Love you .


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