Day 255

Hello sayang !
Today at school I did a scenario with my class .
We did kinda okaaay .
Then as for my debate , I WON !
Hehe (:
The long night trying to prepare for the debate is totally worth it !
After the debate , I have a class test .
And Alhamdulillah I'm able to do it .

Honestly sayang , today I felt lost .
I reach rumah pukul 7 since sekolah habis pukul 6 .
Then when I reach home , I took my wallet and all my important stuffs .
Then I just went out .
I don't know where to go but I just wanted to go out .
I called everyone I know but they were all busy .
So I just meet Abang Hidir .

If you are here , I would have see you .
I would have gone to your house instead .
But what can I do sayang ?
I need you but I'm unable to even see you .
Hais . . .
I love you .


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