Day 240
I have A LOT of things to say today .
I'm feeling a little bit down right now .
I just need to share with someone .
I'll tell you everything that happened today .
1st :
I woke up feeling nice about today .
It is our special day , how can I not be happy about today right ?
Then I took the same bus as Amalina , I waved at her happily .
But she waved at me like , "Oh , hi ."
So I didn't bother to even say anything else or even sit beside her .
2nd :
Someone who I never considered her as friend was pissed off at us .
It was just because we keep on talking about Cambodia .
I was quite angry about it ah but I just forget about it .
Let her be ! Jealous say jealous AH !
3rd :
Hakim and Zaim just not being like a bestfriend since I came back from Cambodia .
They have been busy whenever I asked whether all of us could meet .
Why so sudden so busy ?
4th :
This was what that is making me so down right now .
Abang Hidir nye abang meninggal dunia .
He died the day before I went to Cambodia .
The last time I talked to him was during Hari Raya month .
And I cannot believe he is gone .
He hanged himself . That was the shocking part .
Abang Hidir and I suspected that he killed himself because of his ex .
I was really heartbreaking hearing that .
And of all together that happened , it is on MY SPECIAL DAY .
Why everyone is doing this to me ?
I want to cry . I feel like crying .
But nothing is coming out right now .
I need you .
I need you badly sayangku .