
Showing posts from February, 2013

Day 364

HAPPY 5 YEARS 9 MONTHS SAYAAAAAAAANG ! Sayang , do you realise that our relationship is going to reach 6 years soon ? And it seems like it was just yesterday we met at ECP . Did you ever think that we are going to even last this long ? I guess I already found my jodoh when I was only 13 . Are you really mine sayang ? After you keluar, what are you plan for us ? What are you going to do to make sure that we are never separated ? Are you going to ruin it again by going into prison ? Or are you going to marry me one day ? Marrying is a HUGE sacrifice tau sayang . I really would want to marry you . But what about you ? Are you even ready ? Think about it . Love you !

Day 363

MY FIRST PAPER IS DONEEE ! And you know what ? It was quite managable !!! I simply love that paper . Well, as always, I wore the CINO bracelet and your necklace for luck . I kissed the ring on your necklace before I do the paper . And I guess your luck gave me luck . Hehe . My next paper is in 4 more days . And it is my HATEST SUBJECT - Pharmacology . For today, I'm just going to rest for awhile and start studying tomorrow. Otak boleh pecah sey sayang . Love you .

Day 362

HAPPY VALENTINES' DAY . I know we are not suppose to celebrate it . But hey , I celebrate it as today is like the day of LOVE . And my love is YOU of course . But sadly another year came and we never once celebrate Valentines day . Do you realise we always quarrel on Valentines Day ? Do you ? I wonder . . . My exam is tomorrow . I have GOT TO STUDY ! Love you !

Day 361

STUDY STUDY STUDYYY ! My paper is in 2 more days and all I need to do was only studying . Right now I feel so insecure not studying . I need some rest . Been studying even in Malaysia I studied . I really hope I can pass this paper . I wouldn't want to repeat at all ! Anyway, I was suppose to visit you tomorrow . But your mum wanted me to push it to 22nd . Valentines day ruin. ): But takpe la. You pun da nak keluar . Miss you LOADS!

Day 356-360

I am back from Malaysia sayaaang ! Hehehe . I would love to talk all about it here . But TOO MUCH TO TYPE ! So I made a video every day to tell you what I did . I'll show you when you da keluar kay ? Hehe . Love you !

Day 356

Sayang , I just left the link centre . In the bus on my way to school now . I was quite disappointed knowing that I'm late and I only get 20 minutes with you . We would still be talking right now . But hey , you are coming out in 18 days sayang . Sayang , I can see you are much sensitive now . Even before you tell me sayang . You love me , that is why . Yes sayang , I did change . I'm grown up now . Quite without you . But listen , even if I change , my love for you never change . I still love you since you said you love me . I still love you even after knowing you lied to me . So what makes you think that I would stop loving you ? I will never . I JUST CAN'T UNLOVE YOU . I can't . I love you more everyday . Believe me sayang . I mean what I said . I really do love you so much . Muuuaah !

Day 355

Today's paper was alright . Kinda difficult for NSL . But NS4 is alright . So now I'm going to concentrate on my exams ! Going to Malaysia tomorrow . Gonna pack up soon . Sayang , I'm visiting you tomorrow ! Can't wait ! Sorry sayang , nothing much to say today . Love you !

Day 354

School ends early todayyy ! Went straight home . Now I'm studying for tomorrow's test !!! I have not much confidence in this . URGHHH . I don't want to repeat this module please . Urgh . I have to study . Love youuu !

Day 353

Hey sayang ! I got your letter today ! My dad and Aqilah went down to check the mailbox . The Aqilah ceritakan I macam gini : "Kakak , just now when ayah open the mailbox , I saw abang man letter . Then I take and say , "YAY THIS LETTER !" . Then ayah say , "What letter is that ?" Then I say , "Cannot tell ."" Cute sangat la si kecik tu ! Sayang , by tomorrow , I da boleh countdown to your release with my fingers and toes ! Hehe . 20 more days left ! CAN'T WAIT ! I'm in the middle of studying just now . But I just have to write you something . I'm not as stress as I was two weeks ago . I'm alright and better now . I just hope I won't flunk my exams . Hais . . . Love you !

Day 352

SAYANG GUESS WHAT ?! I GOT AN A+ FOR MY PRACTICAL TEST !!! A+ !!! I cannot believe it ! I CANNOTTTTT ! Hehe (: Tak sia2 uat model semua for the test . OMGGG ! I STILL CANNOT BELIEVE IT ! I am finally done with all my assignments ! PHEW ! So now that are left is one more test and 2 EXAM papers . AND I'M DONE WITH YEAR 2 ! Enough good news from me . Hehe (: Then after that proceed to my attachment . . . ALAHAIIIS . Haha ! Would be IMH and KK . So sayang , ape lagi ? Fetch I everyday ah ! Hehehe ! Can tak ? Takle takpe . . . Love you !

Day 351

SAYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANG ! I WENT TO PIZZA HUT TODAY ! Hehehehehe ! MY dad and I da start talking ! Yay ! Alamak , I just remembered I'm going to eat pizza again tomorrow . ALAAAAA . Nanti gemok pizza ! OMG OMG OMG ! SAYANG ! Semenjak you da nak keluar , I asyik makaaaaaan je . I'm putting on weighttt ! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH ! Okay , I''m hyper right now because , I DA HABIS ALL MY ASSIGNMENTS ! Hehe ! Oh and sayang , I'm seeing you in 5 more days . Then after that visit , I'm going to A&F and buy your shirt . Hopefully you like it . Then probably I'll visit you on the 12th or 13th to give you the shirt . CAN'T WAIT ! LOOOOOOOOOOVE YOUUUUUU !

Day 350

Hey sayaaang . Guess how many days I've lived without holding you ? 350 DAYS ! Can you even believe it ? Stayed home the whole day today . I was doing my ELAHA . But I got bored and played The Sims . Tapi terus the Sims yang main I balik . Haha ! I tertidur depan laptop I . Hakim tadi tiba2 message I yang friendship I, Zaim dengan dia da masuk 10 tahun . So diorang nak celebrate by baking a nutella cake at my house ! Haha ! Diorang da datang gila diorang . But it will be after exam la . It's so sweet of them . Confirm kite semua have fun ! LOL . I'm going to continue with another 350 words for my ELAHA assignment . But I'm going to end this day with a question . Sayang , if both of us have no choice but only one can live , what would you do ? Kill yourself and let me suffer alone ? OR kill me ? Sorry . I was watching The Hunger Game just now . Hehe . Answer kay ? Love you .

Day 349

Hello sayangku . I'm relaxing for today . Went to school for 2 hours lesson and went straight to town . I went A&F , Topman , Paul Smith , H&M and Cotton On . THERE ISN'T THE BAJU YOU WANTED !!! So I think I'll ask you again . I'll give you the baju at least 10 days before you released okay ? Because I need to ask you what kind of baju you want instead of 3/4 sleeve . So anyway sayang , today da 1st February . Remember February 2012 ? My worst month of 2012 . We fight almost everyday ! And when we decided to just forgive each other , the next day you were gone . You don't know how much it hurts everytime I think of it . And it's a lie if that kind of thought doesn't kill me . When you keluar , I don't know what to do . I don't even know what to say . But I know one thing for sure , I'll be there when you need me there . I love you .