
Showing posts from October, 2012

Day 255

Hello sayang ! Today at school I did a scenario with my class . We did kinda okaaay . Then as for my debate , I WON ! Hehe (: The long night trying to prepare for the debate is totally worth it ! After the debate , I have a class test . And Alhamdulillah I'm able to do it . Honestly sayang , today I felt lost . I reach rumah pukul 7 since sekolah habis pukul 6 . Then when I reach home , I took my wallet and all my important stuffs . Then I just went out . I don't know where to go but I just wanted to go out . I called everyone I know but they were all busy . So I just meet Abang Hidir . If you are here , I would have see you . I would have gone to your house instead . But what can I do sayang ? I need you but I'm unable to even see you . Hais . . . I love you .

Day 254

It is going to be midnight soon . And I am so busy doing my school work . It is really driving me crazy ! Tomorrow I have a Debate presentation Nursing Lab scenario Nursing Sciences 4 test I am all packed right now ! I can't really talk much . I miss you of course . And OMG , Aini, Ira and Hazirah called me once again . They reuniting 4 of us this Friday without Nazeefah of course. Macam taknak datang je ah . Hahahahaha ! Kay lah sayang , I need to do my work . I love you , more than I ever would .

Day 253

SAYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANG ! Hi . Let's talk about the visit just now . It feels like my everyday life like that . It's like I'm already used to visit you . Sayang , when I see you , I immediately knew something was wrong with you . Just waiting for the time to ask you that . You sabar kay sayang . I know you would react like that . I just want you to think , "Lagi 4 bulan je sayang ." When you started talking about marriage , I seriously wanted to laugh . You tiba2 je bilang I bila you keluar you taknak kahwin dulu . You nak cari duit dulu baru kahwin . I tak kate ape2 . Tiba2 je you bring that up . I'm sorry but right now I just cannot see myself marrying you yet . Sayang , you are getting more and more boncet . But I love what you did to you chest . It looks bigger now . Seram pulak I tengok you . Hehe . Sayang , I sometimes imagine that I don't know when you are coming out , then suddenly there is a doorbell . And when I open it , it...

Day 252

HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ! Today as per usual sayang , family day ! But as for today only for the ladies in the family . My mum , Fatin and I went to Nex to fetch Aqilah . Then after that buy groceries at NTUC . Lepas tu tak plan tak ape , my mum terus tiba2 queue kat Starhub . She asked about iPhone 5 terus in 30 minutes after blahblahblah , she now owned an iPhone 5 . Like WHAT ?! Sekarang she asking anyone who wants iPhone 4 dia . No one in the family wants it so we are giving it to my auntie . Kalau you ade , I terus da mintak untuk you . Hehehehehehe ! After that I meet my friend , Hurray . Yes that is what we call him . I meet him to do our project and then head home . We only met for less than an hour . I'm visiting you tomorrow ! YAY ! I'll be meeting you after my dental appointment . Hopefully I arrive on time . Love you sayang !

Day 251

Sayaaaang ! Whatcha doin ? I satu hari kat rumah today . I need to do project for my teacher . Stress sey sayang ! She is asking a lot . I nak belajar semua pun susah . Anyway sayang , just now my dad told me my auntie nye abang meninggal this morning . Total , I know 4 deaths in a month . I'm scared sayang . Tanda2 ape ni ? Hais . . . I did nothing much today , so I can't talk that much . I miss you sayang . . . Meeting you in 2 more days ! Can't wait ! Love you !

Day 250

Sayang ! Right now I'm playing Just Dance with all my cousins . Today is Hari Raya Haji . And what we did was dancing and play sports on XBOX . Hahaha ! My atuk pun join sekali ! Cute sey sayang . Sayang , in exactly 4 more months , you will be released . I takle percaye yang 8 months had passed . 8 months I suffered without you . Sayang , sopping has never be the same without you . I tak tahu kenape but I prefer shopping with you . I only trust your taste of fashion . I miss shopping with you sayang . I'll see you in 3 more days sayang ! Can't wait ! LOVE YOU ! Muah !

Day 249

Sayangku ! I'm home now . Lepak with Zul and Zaim just now . Me and Zaim da okayyy ! Yayyy ! Sayang , just now I had a breakdown in school . It was just suddenly . I was remembering the time when you lied to me about selling the iPod . Then I was scolding you and maki2 you . But you just sat there and kept quiet because you know you were in the wrong . Why didn't you slap my face for using all those vulgarities at you ? Why didn't you scold me back when I was shouting at you ? That day was really the ultimate day that really makes me feel like breaking up with you . If I did , I won't feel the pain I'm having now . I really love you so much sayang . But if you masuk for the 2nd time . I don't want you anymore . I don't wanna feel this hurt anymore . It's too much . I love you sayang .

Day 248

SAYAAAANG ! HELLO ! I have to stay awake for tonight until I finish everything ! I just got to know that I need to make a presentation by tomorrow . And right now NOTHING is done . And furthermore I have a HUGE test tomorrow ! I don't know what to do now . Hais . . . I guess I just finish my powerpoint first then proceed to studying . I think I should just wake up early tomorrow and do it in school . STRESS NYEEE ! Sayang , I really hope time will fly REALLY FAST . I really cannot wait for you to keluar . I have A LOT of plans for us sayang . Love you a lot ! A LOT ! Need to start my work right now . MUAH ! Love you !

Day 247

I'm HOMEEEEE ! Hehe (: I visited you today ! :D We were late . I was really hoping to see you today . When I heard the officer said there is no slot , your mum and I were hoping she can slot us somewhere . Then the officer said if we really want to visit , we have only 15 minutes to visit . I was a little sad but I don't mind , At least I got to see you . I was so happy seeing you after SOOO LOOONG . . . You cannot even imagine how thrilled I was just now . Suka je eh tanye I whether ade budak2 handsome ke tak kat Cambodia . Not funny eh ! Tak pandang pun siape2 sey ! I tak pakai make-up pun kat sane . Sampai hati you kate gitu ! HMPH ! And sayang , stop saying I'm getting skinnier . Semua orang kate I macam lidi ! Da la ! I nak makan babs ah ! I'm eating more fats right now and balance it with exercise . You tu makin gemok ! Asyik makan tidur je kat dalam . Bila you keluar , you transfer fats you semua tu kat I la ! Hehe (: I saw your reaction when yo...

Day 246

Hey sayang . I just got your letter just now . I was excited to read it . But nothing inside it is you . It is like you get it from a book or something . I wanna read what you are feeling , what you are thinking . I cannot even understand some part of it . Yeah , I'm proud seeing that you learn a lot of words . But at the same time , I just want to hear from the Hilman I once knew . I miss the Hilman that joke around with me every day . Where is he sayang ? I'm afraid you'll be a different guy when you are released . Anyway sayang , today is 22nd October . Happy 5 years 2 months for me . I'm craving for you . Especially today and you know why . I miss you a lot sayang . Love you !

Day 245

Sayang , am I too nice ? Honestly , am I ? I'm not in good terms with Zaim right now . And I'm just giving up . I didn't even maki die or anything when he is the one who is in the wrong . All I did was cry . Then Azrai pulak keeps on finding for me whenever he has a problem with his lovelife . Then after that he just ignores me . What am I sayang ? What am I to them ? They are special to me and they do that to me . I don't know whether I can be happy right now . You are my only medicine . My ONLY one . I can't survive here without you anymore . I just can't . It is too difficult sayang . I need you here now . I've been crying alot . What should I do now sayang ? 4 more months . JUST 4 more months . I miss you alot sayang . I rindu you sangat sangat !

Day 244

Sayang , can I don't write anything about today ? IT IS SO BORING ! It really is ! I stayed home the whole day . Played kinect and watched Ghost adventures in Youtube . Bila sayang nye surat nak sampai ni ? Tak sabar nak dengar dari you . I most probably would be visiting you on Tuesday . Wow , I am sacrificing A LOT for you I hope my teacher would understand me . I'm sorry sayang , I really have nothing much to say already . Hehe . I LOVE YOU STILL ! MMMMUAHHH !

Day 243

Hello sayang ! Right now it's 19 October and I am officially pokai ! Haha ! And I have to wait for another 6 more days till my money masuk . Alahai . . . Should ask from abang if he have . Hehe (: Anyway , your mum has booked on the 23rd to see you . I don't know whether I can make it . If I don't go for the classes I would be kicked out from the module . I was thinking of telling my teacher about it . And I really hope she understands . And if on that day I tak datang , you takmo kecil hati kay sayang ? My love is still for you sayangku . I was supposed to go out with my girlfriends today . But I was too tired to go . Oh , and sayang . I REALLY REALLY HATE ZAIM . Hais . . . We quarrel again . Dia tak pernah ingat dia yang salah . And I will always be the one saying sorry . Kay la sayang , your ElenaSenorita nak watch VAMPIRE DIARIES ! Hehe (: Love you !

Day 242

Hello sayang ! Before I say about anything , I need to tell you something . . . I don't love you anymore ! . . . HEHEHEHEHEHE !!! JOKING !!! I LOVE YOU MORE THAN EVER ! Okay okay , serious kay . I am planning to go to India for Nursing study trip for one month . But there is ONE HUGE PROBLEM . I'm going on 23rd March 2013 . And it will be one month after you keluar . Everyone is asking me to go . And I really don't know . Even my parents say go . HELP ME ! I want to spend time with you after you keluar . THIS IS REALLY FRUSTRATING . Urghhhh ! Tell me kay sayang ? Tell me whether I should go or not . Anyway sayang , today was a normal day in school . Nothing really much to talk about . I just miss you too much . It has been MORE THAN A MONTH since I last visited you . I'm craving for youuu ! Hehe (: Love you sayang ! Love you SO MUCH ! Muah !!!

Day 241

Sayang ! Today I went to Nex to do a small shopping for school . I bought every single thing in PINK ! Hehe (: My earpiece that I bought 2 weeks after you went in da rosak ! So I bought a new one . PINK of course ! I LOVE IT ! Hehe (: Sayang , this morning when I was on my way to school , I chat with Shima . She's now my brother's ex . She told me that my brother has talked about us before . And my brother told her that he knows that we both can last . I never thought my brother would say that . But insyallah it will kay sayang ? Yesterday after I told my dad about why Abang Hidir's arwah abang bunuh diri , he suddenly said this : "Allah dah tentukan jodoh untuk semua orang . Walau macam mane pun orang mati2 nak kejar yang satu , jodoh tetap jodoh . You all cannot run from it ." I'm scared . And honestly I was thinking about you when he said that . Sayang , you pernah bilang I kalau I break up dengan you , you lebih rela tak hidup di dunia n...

Day 240

HAPPY 65 MONTH-SARY BELOVED ! I have A LOT of things to say today . I'm feeling a little bit down right now . I just need to share with someone . I'll tell you everything that happened today . 1st : I woke up feeling nice about today . It is our special day , how can I not be happy about today right ? Then I took the same bus as Amalina , I waved at her happily . But she waved at me like , "Oh , hi ." So I didn't bother to even say anything else or even sit beside her . 2nd : Someone who I never considered her as friend was pissed off at us . It was just because we keep on talking about Cambodia . I was quite angry about it ah but I just forget about it . Let her be ! Jealous say jealous AH ! 3rd : Hakim and Zaim just not being like a bestfriend since I came back from Cambodia . They have been busy whenever I asked whether all of us could meet . Why so sudden so busy ? 4th : This was what that is making me so do...

Day 239

I AM BACK TO SCHOOL TODAY ! Everyone was talking all about Cambodia . They cannot even stop talking and neither can I !!! For the first time I love going to school . We were all very happy to see each other in school . Haha ! The trip changed me . It really does . I never thought I get to be a happy person once again . But I am now . Sayang , 4 more hours left to our special day ! Are you doing your countdown too ? Hehe (: Love you sayang ! Muah !

Day 222 - Day 238
