
Showing posts from September, 2010


I was studying and I did not realise I had any calls or messages . When I check , I had 3 missed call and 1 message . Message :Bleh kol hp ni jap..pls..i had a bad dream tadi..jap je i nk tok ngn u.. So I called him . With a very sad voice he said he dreamt that I was killed . He dreamt that we were in a cable car and it dropped . He survived and I didn't . He said he dreamt another bad bream @ his workplace too . He dreamt I had an affair with another guy . So the I went back to studying and I receive another message . :I tknk naik cable car..i takot pasal mimpi i tadi..i tknk kehilangan org yg i sngt syg..i nk kahwin ngn u..i tknk u kahwin ngn lain org..i tknk..i takot kehilangan u..i btol2 takot..i menyesal slama ni ape i uat..i tknk lukakan ati u lagi..i syg u..i btol2 da berubah..i tknk u pegi dari idop i..i tkle..u,i sygkn u..i feel like crying..jgn tinggalkan i..jgn benci i..jgn dendam i..i sanggup uat pape untuk u..aslkan jgn minta breakup lagi..i tknk.. I was in the middle...


26 August 2010 The morning after the fight with my parents . We were so sweet and caring the whole morning . Slowly when anger has taken over me , I was back to normal . I talk to Him like the normal way we use to joke with each other . So I somehow scolded him jokingly . The one that made me paused and look @ him was when he said : "Pagi-pagi tadi okay . Kenape sekarang marah-marah I?" He was very cute when he said that . But I laugh out loud when I realised it was true . 26 August 2010 The same morning after the fight with my parents . We were waiting for 45 for so long . I messages Iris but the bus didn't come yet . So we thought maybe the bus is full and slow . So he said : "We go for 4 minutes bus . If ramai orang , we go for the 15 minutes bus . If it is still ramai , we baring on the road - mati lagi bagus !" I laughed like heaven I tell you ! He really knows how to cheer me up completely . I love him so much . 29 August 2010 Bono just had a fight with a...

Quarrel after quarrel . . .

On the way in the bus , going to his house . I'm seriously fucking pissed off with him . I was just joking and he took it seriously ? I thought he can take joke . He scolded me like I did something SO wrong . We've been quarreling over small matters these past few day . Everytime I talked to him nicely , he thought I was angry and he raised his voice at me . You , you promised not to raise your voice @ me . You promise to talk to me nicely even if we quarrel . AGAIN , You didn't do what you say you would .