I was studying and I did not realise I had any calls or messages . When I check , I had 3 missed call and 1 message . Message :Bleh kol hp ni jap..pls..i had a bad dream tadi..jap je i nk tok ngn u.. So I called him . With a very sad voice he said he dreamt that I was killed . He dreamt that we were in a cable car and it dropped . He survived and I didn't . He said he dreamt another bad bream @ his workplace too . He dreamt I had an affair with another guy . So the I went back to studying and I receive another message . :I tknk naik cable car..i takot pasal mimpi i tadi..i tknk kehilangan org yg i sngt syg..i nk kahwin ngn u..i tknk u kahwin ngn lain org..i tknk..i takot kehilangan u..i btol2 takot..i menyesal slama ni ape i uat..i tknk lukakan ati u lagi..i syg u..i btol2 da berubah..i tknk u pegi dari idop i..i tkle..u,i sygkn u..i feel like crying..jgn tinggalkan i..jgn benci i..jgn dendam i..i sanggup uat pape untuk u..aslkan jgn minta breakup lagi..i tknk.. I was in the middle...