
Showing posts from April, 2010

My love . . .

Sayang , Today was the best day . I had fun being with you . I love having fun with you and not thinking any negative thoughts . I have stop thinking about any negative thoughts . You don't know how happy I am . I smiled everyday . I like this feeling . And I wish it will never go away . You trust me . You believe in me . And now I will too . You filled my heart . You replace my heart . If you're gone , I'll die . I love you till my heart stop beating .

My Nega-thoughts

Like I said in the message , "I boleh maafkan seseorang. Tapi SUSAH nak lupakan" SUSAH , bukan tak akan . There is a different . Below are the thoughts that I kept on thinking about . You say : okay , you nk main game nih kan ? okay this time you do your own thing and i do my own thing okay ? Me : I don't want ! You : Ape yang don't want ?! You nk prangai sngat kan ? Let see who can win this game . Me : I don't want laaa ! You : Hey ! I don't give a damn ! Fuck you . (Then you hang up) I don't bother to call you back . I went to sleep and soon you called me back . You : You besok tk jumpa I ? Me : You yang prangai . You : Nk jumpa tknk ?! Me : You nk tknk ? You : You ade sen tk besok ? Me : Takde . You : Kay byebye . I was super hurt by you . Do you know that this thing happens on Valentine's Day ? And it wasn't even my fault . You - You know what is the meaning of BOSAN? Me - Ya ? You - Kau tau tak yang kau tu BOSAN! I just keep quiet . I don...

What is happening ?

I can't . I just can't . I can't take it anymore . I'm changing . Just wait and see . But whatever it's keeping inside of me , I wouldn't want to let it out ever again . I know you are my everything . You will always be my everything . But sometimes something I have to keep to myself . I cannot control my feelings . Anytime in one day , my feelings can change anytime . I can talk happily with you . But inside I'm hurt . But when after we hang up the phone , I can be angry with you with no reason . I don't know why . But what I know I can't live without you . I can't make a day without knowing you are alright . You are right , I've been thinking about what I want and not what you want . I'm really sorry . Keeping something that is a bother is not good for anyone . Especially me who have a weak heart . I need you to know this : I always think we won't make it together in the future . : I always think that one particular day you going to...

Forever ?

I have nothing more to say . We Love Each Other . I hope there won't be anymore quarrel . If there is , I rather not care . It have been SOOOOO . . . . OOOOOO . . . . OOOOOOO . . . ... LONG since we quarrel . I don't even remember the last time we quarrel . Well , unless if I read this blog then I remember la . Three more days till 35th month . And one month and 3 days more till 3 years ! :)

Finally .

I LOVE this joke . : Saturday ni jadi tak you ? : Jadi . Pagi2 buta jugak kite gi Bugis kay . Bugis baru bukak terus kite masuk . Kite uat history la . . . Macam SANG NILA UTAMA . I burst out laughing . Hilman , this is what I want since I am with you . I want this happiness . I want this loving kind of couple . I sabar and sabar and finally we are together . And nothing can ever break up apart . You are considered my Husband . I don't care how long till we get married . But before we get married , let us stay till forever . I will never leave you . That is my last thing I will do even if I will not do it . I cannot see Hilman yang dulu lagi . You totally TOTALLY change like you promised to do . I like the way you treat me now . Don't ever return back to your old path . Because I don't think I can ever survive that anymore . I LOVE YOU HILMAN . I love you so so much .