Last week

I swear , with all my heart , you will be mine forever !
I am sorry for hurting you .
I know it is already too much chances .
Promise , I won't do it again .



I decided to study with Hilman .
So I brought my laptop to finish up my F&N coursework .
And that was a very VERY bad idea of bringing laptop .
He wanted to see his photos .
So I show him .
Then he took the mouse and look at my photos .
I don't expect him to click on this one folder 'eMo.X.iQah' .
It contains MSN chats with ALOT of guys .
And I was SO SO really SCARED !
I pushed away his hand and close every windows .
I told him that folder is a secret .
He is so curious and asked me alot of times .
After 30 mins of doing my F&N , he got my mouse and he hold me tightly .
I cannot do anything .
But luckily I got to delete Azrai's and Ahn's chat .
He get to read some other guys chats .
He promise not to get angry .
But when he saw the first chat , he was bloody pissed off .
I told him not to read anymore because he promise only one .
He said : Kau diam , jangan sampai aku rejam laptop nih , aku brani eh !
I cannot say anything because it was all my fault !
He read 4 chats and throw the mouse .
He said : Eh puki uh ! Malas aku nak baca lagi !

I don't dare to look at him and continue with my work .
Then I heard Mok said : Man , dala man , tkmo nangis .
He kept quiet .
And I was like , HE CRIED ?!
I still don't dare to look at him .
Then he said : Pompan smua sama eh ?
Mok didn't reply .
Hilman's voice was like just finish crying .
He walked away soon after he said that .
Mok then told me to comfort him .

I go to him and pull him behind a wall .
This is the first time I did this .
I hugged him so tightly and said , (started crying)

Me : You I am really sorry .
Him : Ape ni you ?
Me : I am sorry . I really am .
Him : I okay la .
Me : NO , I tahu you marah dengan I .
Him : Please la you , orang tengok la .
Me : I wanna tlak to you . Please you .

We go to a place where there are no people .

Me : Im so sorry . (Hugged him)
Him : Okay , I cuma nak tanye benda je . Kenape you uat gitu .
Me : Because that time you contact dengan pompan .
Him : Siapa ?
Me : I forget every girl you contact with la .
Him : So you revenge by chatting dengan beribu laki ?
I went speechless . Then ,
Me : No , I don't even know them that much . I tak jumpa diorang pon .
We just kept quiet . 2 mins later ,
Me : I tak nak you benci I . And I tak nak break . You ?
Him : I takkan . Lagi pon I da biasa hidup macam ni .
Me : I tak nak jadi Lisa number 2 .
Him : Then don't do that !

He asked me to go home soon .
When he already sent me to busstop , he wanted to go home .
So I thought he was not that angry .
I pulled him and asked him to stay .
But he refuse .
So I said whether he was angry or not .
He said not at all .

I met Aini since I just need someone !
I messaged him soon after I meet Aini .
He called Aini's phone and said .

Him : You , you katne ?
Me : Daerah Hougang Point .
Him : Uat ape kat sana ?
Me : I just tak nak balik .
Him : Balik SEKARANG !
Me : Nanti I balik , I promise .
Him : Tkde tkde balik sekarang !
Me : I will LATER !
Him : Eh , aku da ok , ko tkmo uat prangai and tunjuk ko peh ego . Yang pasal benda tadi nanti le bobal . Aku nak ko balik sekarang .
Me : Uhh .
Him : Make sure aku call hp ni in 5 mins ko mesti tkde dengan kwn ko .
Me : Ye .

I didn't . Aini want me to stay . HAHA :P
Bla bla bla , Lepakings . . .

I reached home at 7:10 .
And he called me the time I stepped into my house .
I called him back and his voice was super sweet .

Him : You tadi sengaje tknk angkat call I atau you gi toilet .
Me : Toilet . . . . You marah ?
Him : Tak . Tapi from now on I nak you jujur pasal EVERYTHING . I tak nak you tipu2 lagi .
Me : Do you hate me .
Him : You are pompan yang pertama I bagi banyak chance . Kalao pompan lain , I da break teros . Ni kata I tak sayang you ?
Bla bla bla . .

We are back to SUPER NORMAL .
Hopefully dier tak revenge .

I swear I Love you Hilman .


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