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Monday, February 16, 2009

Today is our 1 year 9 months .
I remembered the date . But you did not .
You remembered how long we've been together . But I did not .
Fair and Square .

For the whole day I was with you .
And there was nearly a fight .
Luckily I was there to stop him .
But soon at night he wil be back for more .
Sigh .

I told you I won't be your last girl .
You said I will .
I told you one day you will stop loving me .
You said I will stop loving you first .
I told you to stop fighting or I will one day break with you .
You said you fought a lot more before I met you .
I told you that you are a liar .
You said that I am too .

WTF ?!
You know about what lie ?
You told me that even if you told me a lie , one day you will definitely tell me .
That is kinda true .
Tapi bila cerita da lama basi , baru nak bilang .

Anyway ,
Prashanth told you that Yana saw us at explanade .
And Prashanth said Yana is dissapointed .
What fuck she wanna be dissapointed ?!
I asked you but you did not even know why .
Then I asked you again , "Did you promise her that you will wait for her ?"
You said that you did .
So I tell you again , "You promised every girl the same fucking thing , but you broke all their promises . And ONE day , I will be next !"
You said , "Sorry sikit eh , you yang paling LAMA I setia okay ! Lagipun bagus jugak si Yana nampak kiter !"
Yea , I was smiling WIDELY !
From ear to ear .
-.- Whatever .

Lastly before I leave Bedok ,
I saw your eyes was red and staring elsewhere when I was talking to you .
So I suspected you took something !
You confessed when we reached the busstop .
I just couldn't say anything and just looked away .
You kissed me goodbye .
And said that you will not do anything .

You are ego when he is not stim .
You are TOO sweet when he is stim .
Which one is he ?

You once told me that you cepat kesiankan I bila you stim .

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentines Day ?
Yesterday suck !
You wanted to meet me and in the end cancelled everything .
What the fuck !
Luckily there's Hazirah to save my horrible day ! :)
Hazirah is my VALENTINE :D

I called you straight after I reached home .
You asked me where did I go .
And I was like "Fuck la my father !"
And you told me that I no more listen to you .
Of course ! You didn't want to listen to me , so what for I listen to you ?

We had a long talk at midnight .
And we seem to be back to normal , maybe ?
Yea whatever .
You wanted to meet me today , but I refused .
Told you some stupid reasons .
Luckily he was okay with it .

I know sooner or later we are over .

Saturday, February 14, 2009

You made me empty yesterday .
I did not even get to eat my food .
And you maki2 I its like everything my fault !
You say : okay , you nk main game nih kan ? okay this time you do your own thing and i do my own thing okay ?
Me : I don't want !
You : Ape yang don't want ?! You nk prangai sngat kan ? Let see who can win this game .
Me :I don't want laaa !
You : Hey ! I don't give a damn ! Fuck you .
(Then you hang up)

I don't bother to call you back .
I went to sleep and soon you called me back .

You : You besok tk jumpa I ?
Me : You yang prangai .

You : Nk jumpa tknk ?!
Me : You nk tknk ?
You : You ade sen tk besok ?
Me : No .
You : Kay byebye .

I know , you he really pissing me off !

And you called on Valentine's morning .
Your tone was better .

You : You masih marah ?
Me : You la , I mana marah .

You : Ye la sape tk marah klao you kluar tk blang I .
Me : You penah uat gitu pe .
You : Bila ?
Me : Bila2 uhs !
Bla bla bla .

Going out soon with you .
And I have cigg with me .
So , if you did anything wrong , easy ..
Take out a cigg , light it up and smoke .

Good Luck ME !

Friday, February 13, 2009

I met you today .
And you pentingkan kwn dier .
I'm like a statue ! no, I am like invisible !
You talk to his friends , And did not even talk to me !
You plan to go out with his friend to pub .
But you promised me no pub , no clubbing .
So I stared at you . You said "What " .
I jeling at you and put on my socks and leave your house .
You did not even stop me !
I went to the void deck and called my friends .
They planning to go and play pool .
So I wanna have fun and forget about whatever happened .

So , I reached home and I called you .
Then you knows that I'm out because my father told you !
He maki2 because I did not tell him that I am going out .
But dulu2 when before you go out without telling me bole !

I don't want you to go .
I don't want you to hate me .
I just want my freedom , like i gave it to you .

Sigh .


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