Updates !
Monday, February 16, 2009 Today is our 1 year 9 months . I remembered the date . But you did not . You remembered how long we've been together . But I did not . Fair and Square . For the whole day I was with you . And there was nearly a fight . Luckily I was there to stop him . But soon at night he wil be back for more . Sigh . I told you I won't be your last girl . You said I will . I told you one day you will stop loving me . You said I will stop loving you first . I told you to stop fighting or I will one day break with you . You said you fought a lot more before I met you . I told you that you are a liar . You said that I am too . WTF ?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA . You know about what lie ? You told me that even if you told me a lie , one day you will definitely tell me . That is kinda true . Tapi bila cerita da lama basi , baru nak bilang . Anyway , Prashanth told you that Yana saw us at explanade . And Prashanth said Yana is dissapointed . What fuck she wanna be dissapointed ?! I as...